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'Political Prisoner' Term Withdrawn From PACE New Resolution

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  • 'Political Prisoner' Term Withdrawn From PACE New Resolution


    2009-01-28 13:27:00

    ArmInfo. There is no "political prisoner" term in PACE Resolution
    1643 adopted on January 27.

    "In its Resolution 1620 (2008) on the implementation by Armenia
    of Assembly Resolution 1609 (2008), adopted on 25 June 2008, the
    Parliamentary Assembly considered that progress had been insufficient,
    despite the political will expressed by the Armenian authorities
    to address the requirements set up in Resolution 1609. However, the
    Assembly is still discontent and deeply concerned about the situation
    of the people deprived of their liberty in relation to the events of
    1 and 2 March 2008", the message of PACE press service says.

    In general, the key points of the new Resolution 1643 are similar
    to those adopted on December 17, 2008, in Paris. It says that the
    Assembly considers that progress, fixed by the Armenian authorities in
    fulfillment of the requirements of the earlier-adopted resolutions, has
    been insufficient. In particular, the Assembly says that a significant
    number of prosecution cases and convictions was based solely on police
    testimony, without substantial corroborating evidence; a very limited
    number of charges under Articles 225 and 300 of the Criminal Code of
    Armenia has been dropped. The Assembly notes that doubts have been
    voiced regarding the nature of the charges brought under Articles 225
    and 300 of the Criminal Code, as well as with regard to the legal
    proceedings against those convicted in relation to the events of 1
    and 2 March 2008, including by the Council of Europe Commissioner
    for Human Rights.

    With regard to the requirement to ensure an independent, impartial
    and credible investigation into the events of 1 and 2 March 2008,
    the Assembly welcomes the establishment by the President of Armenia,
    on 23 October 2008, of a "fact-finding group of experts to inquire
    into the events of 1-2 March 2008", following a proposal by the
    Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe. It equally
    welcomes the decision of the opposition to fully participate in
    the work of this group. The Assembly welcomes the decision of the
    Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia, of 22 January 2009, to
    establish a Working Group within the National Assembly, within a one-
    month period, to draft, in co-operation with the relevant bodies of the
    Council of Europe (notably the Venice Commission and the Commissioner
    for Human Rights) amendments to Articles 225 and 300 of the Criminal
    Code of Armenia, in order to address the legal shortcomings in these
    articles as noted, inter alia, by the Assembly and the Commissioner for
    Human Rights of the Council of Europe, and to bring them in line with
    Council of Europe standards. The Assembly also notes the assurances
    given by the Speaker of the National Assembly that these amendments
    will be adopted and sent to the President for promulgation within
    approximately one month after the Working Group has finalised its work.

    The Assembly notes that, under the Constitution of Armenia, any
    positive changes to the law would be retroactive with respect to
    the charges brought against the persons deprived of their liberty in
    relation to the events on 1 and 2 March 2008. The Assembly considers
    that this initiative of the Speaker of the National Assembly of
    Armenia, although belated, is a signal indicating the readiness of the
    Armenian authorities to begin to address the concerns of the Assembly
    in relation to the situation of the persons deprived of their liberty
    in relation to the events of 1 and 2 March 2008.

    The Assembly will keep on monitoring further fulfillment of the
    Resolutions' requirements by the Armenian authorities. Moreover, it
    offered the Monitoring Commission to consider the progress, fixed by
    the Armenian authorities in fulfillment of the requirements of the
    present and the previous resolutions, prior to PACE spring session
    and provide PACE with the relevant recommendations.