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ANKARA: Point Of Prosecutor Appointments Unclear

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  • ANKARA: Point Of Prosecutor Appointments Unclear


    Today's Zaman
    Jan 29 2009

    The Supreme Board of Prosecutors and Judges' (HSYK) assignment of new
    prosecutors on Tuesday to the Ä°stanbul Prosecutor's Office, assigned
    to handle the Ergenekon trial, an investigation into a clandestine
    terrorist organization charged with various crimes staged for the
    ultimate purpose of triggering a military coup, has caused controversy
    and confusion in political and judicial circles.

    The HSYK announced late on Tuesday that three new prosecutors would be
    assigned to the Ergenekon case, an investigation in which 86 suspects
    are currently standing trial for various charges. Other suspected
    members, including military officers on active duty, have also been
    detained pending indictment.

    Analysts have commented that there might be a conspiratorial motive
    behind the appointments since they come only two weeks after Aydınlık
    -- a publication issued by the Worker' Party (Ä°P), whose chairman
    and other administrators are accused of membership in Ergenekon --
    printed an article titled, "Appeal to the HSYK: Assign real prosecutors
    to the case." In its Jan. 18, 2009 issue, Aydınlık published an
    article complaining about Zekeriya Oz, the chief prosecutor of the
    case. The article commented that "judicial circles would like to see
    the HSYK assign experienced jurists to the investigation."

    Justice Ministry officials say six authorized prosecutors are
    working on the Ergenekon trial, a situation that has caused a lack
    of prosecutors for other cases handled by the Ä°stanbul Prosecutor's
    Office. İstanbul Deputy Chief Prosecutor Turan Colakkadı last week
    announced that some appointments would be made but noted that the
    Prosecutor's Office would be deciding what case each prosecutor was
    assigned to. According to this interpretation, the new prosecutors
    might not be working on the Ergenekon case, but, as of yesterday,
    it was not clear what the exact role of the new prosecutors would be.

    "Konya Just Jurists' Association [KaDenge] is concerned that the
    investigation might end in a decision that would not satisfy public
    consciousness through certain statements and interventions," said
    KaDenge President Erhan Å~^ahin, expressing that he is concerned the
    move might be followed by yet another move to replace the prosecutors.

    "We don't even want to think about what these appointments have
    anything to do with the Ergenekon trial. Assigning prosecutors to a
    case next to prosecutors who are already conducting the case is only
    about watering down the case.

    If this appointment is indeed about Ergenekon, it would really go
    beyond its purpose," said Ä°dris Å~^ahin, head of the Cankırı
    Bar Association.

    "The Turkish nation trusts the prosecutor on the case and so should the
    HSYK," said Yusuf BaÅ~_er, head of the Yozgat Bar association. "If the
    prosecutors assigned will be working under the orders of Zekeriya Oz,
    there will not be too many problems. In the opposite case, the trial
    would be watered down."

    Tokat Bar Association President Faruk Bostancı said: "We don't know
    if these prosecutors will be assigned to the Ergenekon trial. If this
    was done to close an inadequacy in the prosecutor's office, there's
    nothing wrong with this appointment. But if they are involved in the
    Ergenekon investigation, that would be absolutely wrong."

    Attempts to influence judiciary

    Many jurists say recent statements by Judges and Prosecutors Union
    (YARSAV) head Omer Faruk Eminagaoglu and former Supreme Court
    of Appeals Chief Prosecutor Sabih Kanadoglu, favoring different
    prosecutors, might have had an influence on the HSYK. These statements
    and the Aydınlık article are seen as an attempt to influence the
    judiciary. However, not everybody agrees. Former Chief Prosecutor
    ReÅ~_at Petek commented on the decision, saying: "Judges don't make
    decisions based on articles published in a journal. They behave
    according to the law." He also said he didn't think the HSYK would
    take demands for assigning new prosecutors to the case seriously
    as long as there was solid evidence against the current prosecutor
    being involved in any wrongdoing. He said the law also called for
    keeping the prosecutor in charge of a gang-related case on the same
    investigation for at least four years.

    Yılmaz GeniÅ~_, chairman of the Bogazici Lawyers' Association,
    agreed, saying: "It is obvious that such publications are trying to
    put pressure on the judiciary. Such publications have the purpose
    of spreading disinformation in the society. The HSYK is independent;
    we don't think it will yield to such pressure."

    Jurists' Association head Kamil Ugur Yaralı also said he believed
    the assignments were being misinterpreted. "If Prosecutor Zekeriya
    Oz is taken off the team, this should be seen as intervention. There
    is a media group trying to influence public opinion with false news
    stories. But when one looks at the entirety of the events, everything
    is in accordance with the law."

    HSYK assignments to the prosecutor's office

    The HSYK noted on its Web site yesterday that prosecutors Rasim
    IÅ~_ıkaltın, Kasım Ä°limoglu and Mustafa CavuÅ~_oglu were assigned
    to the Ä°stanbul Prosecutor's Office and given the status of specially
    authorized prosecutors. IÅ~_ıkaltın is known for an investigation
    into Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan while Erdogan served as
    mayor of Ä°stanbul.

    The former Supreme Court of Appeals chief prosecutor had ruled in
    the investigation into Erdogan over suspicion of rigging some public
    city tenders during his term as the mayor of Ä°stanbul, outside
    his jurisdictional powers, and referred the case to Prosecutor
    IÅ~_ıkaltın, who indicted Erdogan.

    IÅ~_ıkaltın had also filed a complaint against Yucel Sayman, a lawyer
    representing the plaintiffs in the murder trial of Turkish-Armenian
    Journalist Hrant Dink, who was gunned down in 2007 in an assassination
    currently blamed on Ergenekon. IÅ~_ıkaltın's complaint accused
    Sayman of having insulted Kemal Kerincsiz, an ultra-nationalist lawyer
    currently in jail as an Ergenekon suspect. IÅ~_ıkaltın demanded
    one to two years in jail for Sayman, who was acquitted at the end of
    the trial.

    CHP's Kart files complaint against Ergenekon prosecutors

    Republican People's Party (CHP) Konya Deputy Atilla Kart on Tuesday
    filed a criminal complaint with the HSYK against the prosecutors on
    the Ergenekon case, accusing them of conducting the investigation
    under the influence of their own personal relations and also of
    having violated the confidentiality of the probe. Justice Minister
    Mehmet Ali Å~^ahin dismissed the allegations that the new prosecutors
    were assigned to water down the trial. "We have to respect all our
    prosecutors. It is disrespectful to draw distinctions between our
    prosecutors," he said yesterday.

    --Boundary_(ID_8U0YMz7qH76maBemXBiXlg) --