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Moscow Could Benefit From Failure Of Others To Recognize Breakaway R

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  • Moscow Could Benefit From Failure Of Others To Recognize Breakaway R

    Paul Goble

    Georgiandaily x.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=9654 &Itemid=65
    Jan 30 2009

    Vienna, January 29 - When Moscow recognized the independence of
    Abkhazia and South Ossetia following its invasion of Georgia, the
    Russian government confidently predicted that a significant number
    of other countries would do the same. So far, however, only one has
    recognized these breakaway republics, but even Nicaragua has not
    opened an embassy in either.

    Many observers have suggested that this represents a serious diplomatic
    and political defeat for Moscow, and in one respect - the failure
    of its predictions to come true - that is certainly the case. But
    there are at least three ways in which Moscow may be benefitting from
    the failure of the international community to extend recognition to
    Sukhumi and Tskhinvali.

    In an article posted on the Caucasus Times portal yesterday, Sergey
    Markedonov, an internationally recognized specialist on the Caucasus,
    points to two of these, arguing they reflect Moscow's efforts to
    "extract [political] profit' from what is now its "exclusive
    recognition" of the independence of these two republics.

    On the one hand, he writes, the Russian government has consistently
    striven to prevent "non-regional players" from having any role in
    the Caucasus North or South. Consequently, it cannot be entirely
    unhappy that no other state has sent an ambassador to these states,
    a step that would "internationalize" not only this dispute but perhaps
    others as well.

    And on the other, Markedonov says, "the Kremlin understands that
    is unilateral action guarantees it great freedom of action on the
    ground," allowing Russian business interests and officials to dictate
    to the governments of these two republics in ways that would simply
    be impossible if "five or six foreign embassies were working" there.

    But in addition to these immediate consequences, there is a third,
    one Markedonov implies but does not discuss in this article, that may
    be even more to Moscow's liking. The failure of the international
    community to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia sends a powerful
    message to non-Russian republics inside Russia that they would face
    an uphill battle in securing recognition.

    Given how great have been the expectations of some in the West and
    how great the fears of some in Moscow that the Kremlin's move with
    regard to Abkhazia and South Ossetia might spark new demands by
    these republics for independence or at the very least trigger a new
    "parade of sovereignties."

    That helps Moscow to maintain its control over what remains an
    extremely restive region, even though its inability to get other
    governments to follow its lead on the two breakaway republics
    highlights Russian weakness as compared to the strength the US and
    the EU displayed in gaining widespread recognition for Kosovo in the
    former Yugoslavia.

    Before making these points, Markedonov traces the history of the
    question of the recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, a history
    that has been far more complicated in the case of many of the countries
    mentioned as being interested in making such a diplomatic move than
    most commentary about this subject suggests.

    At present, Markedonov says, "only Russia has completed the complete
    circle of the recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and
    South Ossetia. It has established diplomatic relations. It has sent
    ambassadors to Tskhinvali and Sukhumi. And [the Russian government]
    has concluded and ratified agreements" with these two republics.

    Although Nicaragua is typically counted as having recognized the
    two breakaway republics, its situation is in fact less definitive
    than many assume, the Moscow analyst says. That country's president,
    Daniel Ortega, did declare on September 5, 2008, that he recognized
    the independence of the two de facto.

    Under the terms of the Nicaraguan constitution, that is sufficient,
    but there has been no parliamentary ratification of this declaration,
    and the failure of the legislators to act "sharply reduces the value
    of this recognition. Moreover, "official Managua has not established"
    diplomatic relations with the two and deals with them via its consulate
    in Cyprus.

    Earlier this week, Moise Kabaku Muchan, the ambassador of the
    Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) to the Russian
    Federation, visited Sukhumi and said that he would support Abkhazia's
    request for expanded ties with his country, but neither he nor his
    government has moved to recognize them formally.

    Moreover, two other countries - Venezuela and Libya - which have said
    they are prepared to have some kind of relationship with the two
    have not gone beyond those public declarations, and both of them,
    Markedonov notes, have been careful not to use language that might
    be construed as formal recognition.

    Nor have Moscow's closest allies within the CIS made any move to
    recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Armenia, for example, has said
    it would do so only if other CIS countries recognized the independence
    of Nagorno-Karabakh, a step not one of the 11 is currently prepared
    to take.

    According to Markedonov, Moscow has not been upset by this reluctance
    except in the case of Belarus. On the one hand, because Belarus and
    the Russian Federation have signed documents creating a union state,
    the Russian government is upset that Moscow has made a diplomatic
    move than Mensk has not followed.

    And on the other, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka and other Belarusian
    officials have thrown up one excuse after another for Mensk's delay in
    recognizing the two breakaway republics, excuses that most observers
    in the Russian capital see as yet another indication that Belarus is
    pandering to the West and does not intend to follow Moscow's line.

    No other country appears close to moving, leaving Russia and its
    two client republics in a diplomatic situation that is unlikely to
    change de jure even though few in Georgia expect Tbilisi to recover
    these breakaway republics and the EU has acknowledged their existence
    after a fashion by pushing for their inclusion in talks with Moscow
    and the Georgian government.

    That leaves Sukhumi, Tskhinvali, Moscow, Tbilisi and the international
    community in a new place, one resembling the situation between Turkey
    and Northern Cyprus that is recognized only by Ankara. But that
    comparison suggests that the current arrangements in the Caucasus
    could last a long time, even if all involved say they want a rapid
    resolution of the situation.