02.07.2009 15:08 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On July 3-8, Cairo will host 149 teams participating
in Imagine Cup-2009 Student Technology Competition Worldwide Finals.
Tech Squad Team, who became the winner of qualifying contest, will
represent Armenia at Imagine Cup-2009. The winner will offer a program
enabling to relieve the strain in hands after lengthy typing on keypad.
The Imagine Cup is an annual worldwide series of technology
competitions focused around Microsoft technology. The competition
has been running for over 7 years. Each year the World finals were
being held in different countries. There are 9 different directions
to compete with in the scope of Imagine Cup project. One out of nine
directions, Software Design (SD) is executed on regional bases. The
regional finalists are being promoted to the World Final. The rest
8 challenges are online competitions.
The competition challenges talented teams to develop inventive
projects, by developing innovative software applications, offer
practical applicability to the suggested issues and present real-world
solutions to real-world problems.
This year, for the second time, SD was executed on regional basis in
Armenia by Microsoft local office and in cooperation with Ministry of
Economy of Armenia, Enterprise Incubator Foundation and CAPS project.
02.07.2009 15:08 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On July 3-8, Cairo will host 149 teams participating
in Imagine Cup-2009 Student Technology Competition Worldwide Finals.
Tech Squad Team, who became the winner of qualifying contest, will
represent Armenia at Imagine Cup-2009. The winner will offer a program
enabling to relieve the strain in hands after lengthy typing on keypad.
The Imagine Cup is an annual worldwide series of technology
competitions focused around Microsoft technology. The competition
has been running for over 7 years. Each year the World finals were
being held in different countries. There are 9 different directions
to compete with in the scope of Imagine Cup project. One out of nine
directions, Software Design (SD) is executed on regional bases. The
regional finalists are being promoted to the World Final. The rest
8 challenges are online competitions.
The competition challenges talented teams to develop inventive
projects, by developing innovative software applications, offer
practical applicability to the suggested issues and present real-world
solutions to real-world problems.
This year, for the second time, SD was executed on regional basis in
Armenia by Microsoft local office and in cooperation with Ministry of
Economy of Armenia, Enterprise Incubator Foundation and CAPS project.