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Azerbaijani Diplomat At Armenian President's Office

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  • Azerbaijani Diplomat At Armenian President's Office

    Karen Ghazaryan

    03.07.2009 17:59

    Today Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan received the Ambassadors of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan to Russia Armen Smbatyan and Polad Bulbuloglu,
    as well as Russian President's Special Envoy for International Cultural
    Relations, Co-Chair of the Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation Fund
    Mikhail Shvidkoy.

    "We, the three former Culture Ministers, and the three current
    Ambassadors have gathered to help our nations, the common people,"
    Mikhail Shvidkoy told journalists following the meeting.

    Speaking about the initiative, he said it's their task to understand
    what's happening in the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    "We by no means interfere and cannot interfere with the political
    negotiations, the negotiations between our Presidents. It's an
    important and responsible aspect of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations,
    which we, as culture worker, would not like to interfere in,"
    Shvidkoy said.

    "Armenians and Azeris do not trust each other. People have no
    contacts even 15 years after establishment of peace, in a no war,
    no peace situation.

    It's here that culture figures must do their best to change the
    atmosphere. I think it's very important and that is why we are here,"
    Mikhail Shvidkoy added.

    Azeri Ambassador to Russia Polad Bulbuloglu added: "We had a very
    constructive conv ersation with the Armenian President. He listened
    very attentively to all of us, and it was pleasant to feel that he
    pays great attention to this initiative. I'd like to avail myself of
    this chance to express gratitude to the Presidents for providing an
    opportunity for such meetings."