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Apostles of the New Testament

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  • Apostles of the New Testament

    Apostles of the New Testament
    July 4, 12:29 AM

    The rest of the 12 Apostles all in one article, because there is not
    much known about the Apostles other than, Peter, John, James; there
    will be one article to describe their influence.

    St James, son of Zebedee: He is the brother of St John. His death is
    mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles 12:2. Herod has him put to
    death by the sword; which means that he was beheaded. He is one of
    the three most trusted disciples of Jesus. According to tradition he
    had not left Jerusalem, to evangelize to other nations at the time of
    his death.
    St Philip: He is from the same town as Sts Peter and Andrew. He is
    mentioned in all the Gospels and is always listed 5th among the
    Apostles. He is not to be confused with Philip the Evangelist one of
    the first 7 deacons. The most information about St Philip comes from
    St Clement of Alexandria, who tells us that St Philip was married had
    children and one of his daughters was also married. The church
    historian Eusebius confuses St Philip the Apostle and Philip the
    Evangelist is the same person.
    St Bartholomew: He is also called Nathanael, because he is always
    listed in the company of St Philip the Apostle. Since St Philip
    introduced Nathanael to Christ. So Bartholomew is another name or
    family name for Nathanael. Eusebius recounts that St Bartholomew
    evangelized to India and left a copy of the Gospel of St Matthew
    there. Other traditions say that he went to Ethiopia, Mesopotamia,
    Parthia, and Lycaonia. According to tradition St Batholomew has one
    of the worst martyrdom of all the Apostles. According to tradition he
    was first flayed (cutting off all the skin from the body) and then
    crucified. This is why in many statues and artwork he is shown
    holding a large knife or holding his own skin. It is also why he is
    the patron saint of tanners.
    St Matthew the Evangelist: St Matthew author of the Gospel that bares
    his name. He was a tax collector called to be a disciple by Jesus.
    He is also called Levi. This might be because he did not wish to draw
    attention to himself in the Gospel that he wrote. Some fathers of the
    church state that Matthew wrote this Gospel in Hebrew. This is hotly
    debated by scholars because the earliest texts are in Greek and the
    quotations from the Old Testament seem to be from the Septuagint, the
    Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, not translated from Hebrew to
    Greek on their own.
    St Thomas: St Thomas is known as the doubter; because he refused to
    believe that Jesus had risen from the dead until he saw the Risen Lord
    for himself. St Thomas is believed to have evangelized India, where
    there at one time was a statue to him and Jesus. It is also said in
    tradition that Thomas was the only witness to the bodily assumption of
    the Virgin Mary into heaven. It is said he was martyred in India by
    the spear.
    St James, son of Alphaeus: Some times called St James the Lesser. In
    some traditions he is also sometime identified with the James the
    relative of Jesus, Protestants usually reject this idea. He is only
    mentioned in the New Testament four times in the list of Apostles.
    Tradition says that he was crucified in Lower Egypt, where he was
    St Jude the Apostle (Thaddeus): Not to be confused with Iscariot the
    betrayer. St Jude is said to have suffered martyrdom with St Simon
    the Zealot by crucifixion in Persia. It is also said that he was the
    Apostle to the Armenians.
    St Simon the Zealot: Not much is written about him in the New
    Testament. Tradition, however, states that he evangelized in Egypt,
    Africa and Armenia. Some traditions state that he was crucified with
    St Jude in Persia. Others say that he was killed in Samaria ant-Examiner~y2009m7d4-Apostles-of-the-New-Testame nt

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress