2009-07-10 16:14:00
ArmInfo. Parliament of Armenia has started discussing the agreement
between the Armenian government and the World Development Association.
According to Education and Science Minister Armen Ashotyan, who
introduced the document for ratification on behalf of the president,
the agreement was signed on June 5, 2009, and aims at implementation
of the second programme on reformation of the country's educational
system. The total cost of the programme make sup 17 mln SDR ($25
mln). The credit has been provided on standard terms - for 40 years at
0,75% per annum and delay of payments - the first 10 years. Primarily,
the funds will be directed to improvement of the situation in the
general secondary schools and bringing it in conformity with the
Bologna process provisions. The second programme will be a continuation
of the first one to be completed in autumn, 2009. Bringing of the
educational system in conformity with European standards has been laid
in the basis of the programme. The second programme, in accordance with
the first one, is somewhat extended in the frames and covers not only
the secondary school but also the pre-school education. Implementation
of the programme will allow to increase the number of the children,
that will contribute to solution of the problems of the socially
unprotected=2 0 population strata. Reforms of the legislation are
also envisaged within the frames of the programme to be completed
in 2017. The second component of the programme - assistance to the
higher and professional education, that proceeds from the Bologna
process requirements. Besides extension of the potential of HEEs and
special educational establishments, the programme aims at rendering
of technical assistance to them and extension of the opportunities,
that will allow to increase not only the quality of education but also
to make it available. It is also scheduled to implement some pilot
programes in 2010 concerning advanced training of students, and in 2014
- receive the first results of these programmes. In the conditions
of the economic crisis, implementation of the programme will allow
to preserve the country's educational system, бthe minister said.
2009-07-10 16:14:00
ArmInfo. Parliament of Armenia has started discussing the agreement
between the Armenian government and the World Development Association.
According to Education and Science Minister Armen Ashotyan, who
introduced the document for ratification on behalf of the president,
the agreement was signed on June 5, 2009, and aims at implementation
of the second programme on reformation of the country's educational
system. The total cost of the programme make sup 17 mln SDR ($25
mln). The credit has been provided on standard terms - for 40 years at
0,75% per annum and delay of payments - the first 10 years. Primarily,
the funds will be directed to improvement of the situation in the
general secondary schools and bringing it in conformity with the
Bologna process provisions. The second programme will be a continuation
of the first one to be completed in autumn, 2009. Bringing of the
educational system in conformity with European standards has been laid
in the basis of the programme. The second programme, in accordance with
the first one, is somewhat extended in the frames and covers not only
the secondary school but also the pre-school education. Implementation
of the programme will allow to increase the number of the children,
that will contribute to solution of the problems of the socially
unprotected=2 0 population strata. Reforms of the legislation are
also envisaged within the frames of the programme to be completed
in 2017. The second component of the programme - assistance to the
higher and professional education, that proceeds from the Bologna
process requirements. Besides extension of the potential of HEEs and
special educational establishments, the programme aims at rendering
of technical assistance to them and extension of the opportunities,
that will allow to increase not only the quality of education but also
to make it available. It is also scheduled to implement some pilot
programes in 2010 concerning advanced training of students, and in 2014
- receive the first results of these programmes. In the conditions
of the economic crisis, implementation of the programme will allow
to preserve the country's educational system, бthe minister said.