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Turkey urges Chinese government to take action over violence

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  • Turkey urges Chinese government to take action over violence

    The National, UAE
    July 12 2009

    Turkey urges Chinese government to take action over violence

    Danny Vincent, Foreign Correspondent

    Last Updated: July 11. 2009 11:21PM UAE / July 11. 2009 7:21PM GMT
    BEIJING // Turkey's prime minister called the Chinese leadership
    spectators in a `kind a genocide' of Uighur Muslims, killed in the
    ethnic violence that has gripped China's north-west Xinjiang region.

    `There is no other way of commenting on this event,' Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan told reporters in Turkey's capital, Ankara, on Friday.

    `There are atrocities there, hundreds of people have been killed and
    1,000 hurt. We have difficulty understanding how China's leadership
    can remain a spectator in the face of these events,' he said urging
    the Chinese leadership to `address the question of human rights and do
    what is necessary to prosecute the guilty'.

    Mr Erdogan's condemnation of the unrest follows calls from Turkish
    trade and industry minister, Nihat Ergun, for Turks to boycott Chinese

    Protests have been staged daily in Turkey, the mostly Muslim nation
    which has a cultural bond with Uighurs. The Chinese leadership is yet
    to release a response to the Turkish prime minister's
    comments. Turkey's leaders have reacted strongly to claims that the
    Ottoman Empire's massacres of Armenians should be branded as a

    State media reported that the death toll from the violence had risen
    from 156 to 184 in Xinjiang and have released statistics detailing the
    ethnicity and sex of the victims of the riots.

    According to Xinhua, the official news agency, 137 of the dead,
    including 111 men and 26 women, were Han Chinese, China's predominant
    ethnic group, which outnumber Urumqi in much of the region.

    Forty-six of the dead were members the Uighur ethnic group, while
    state media reported that one member of the Hui Muslim group, a
    minority that has cultural ties with the Han Chinese, was killed in
    the unrest.

    The latest statistics failed to provide details on the nature or
    timings of the deaths.

    Hospital staff in Urumqi reported that Uighur who died from Han
    Chinese vengeance attacks were not being added to the death toll.

    International Uighur representatives claim the number of dead is much
    higher than figures released.

    Rebiya Kadeer, a US-based Uighur exile, who the Chinese authorities
    hold directly responsible for the riots, claimed the death toll is as
    high as 500 and has accused the government of covering up the number
    of dead.

    Thousands of anti-riot troops carrying automatic weapons continued to
    patrol the streets of Urumqi yesterday. Security closed streets and
    closely monitored Uighur districts.

    Urumqi was placed under night-time curfew on Friday for the second
    time since last week's riots to try to contain the violence that took
    to the streets a week ago.

    The release of the statistics did little to curb tensions in the city.

    `That's the Han people's number. We have our own number,' a Uighur
    identifying himself as Akumjia, told Reuters.

    `Maybe many, many more Uighur died. The police were scared and lost
    control,' he said.

    `This [new number] at least shows that the victims weren't only Han
    people,' Zhao Hong, a Han resident told Reuters.

    `Uighurs also died. But then they blame Han for being so angry about
    the killing and looting.'

    The large show of force has brought some security to residents. But
    there remained distrust between Han and Uighur. The cause of the riots
    is still disputed.

    Uighur representatives said that armed security opened fire on
    peaceful protests. Groups of Uighur and Han Chinese both see
    themselves as the victims of the violence that ripped through the
    streets on July 5.

    Thousands have been reportedly fleeing the regional capital in search
    of safety.

    `Urumqi is still open,' said one student by text message travelling to
    Xinjiang from Beijing by train. `My family are safe,' she said.

    The bustle of many businesses has returned to the streets, but it is
    the armed troops which are preventing continued unrest.

    Paramilitary vehicles blared orders through loudspeaker in Uighur
    neighbourhoods yesterday telling Muslims to stay home to worship
    because of the `complicated situation'.

    Small groups of Uighur Muslims protested on Friday after officials
    posted notices and padlocked mosques in the city preventing them from
    honouring their most holy day.

    The riots in Urumqi erupted a week ago when demonstrators took to the
    streets in protest to ethnic violence which killed two Uighur in south
    China last month following rumours that factory workers had raped two
    Han Chinese girls.

    The riots in the resource-rich region forced Hu Jintao, the president,
    to abandon plans to attend the G8 summit in Italy. The unrest is
    comparable to unrest in Tibet last March.

    Both are politically sensitive regions where the Chinese government
    blames external influences on the unrest, while playing down ethnic

    Beijing has blamed what it calls the Dalai Lama clique for the
    uprising 18 months ago in Lhasa.

    Officials are using increasingly strong language to denounce Ms
    Kadeer, linking her to the violence in Urumqi.

    `If Kadeer and the separatist `World Uighur Congress' wanted to take
    ethnic relations as an excuse to sabotage China's unification, we must
    be vigilant and firmly crush their plot,' Ismail Amat, a former
    official in Xinjiang told Xinhua news.

    `How can such a person represent the Uighur people?' he said. FOREIGN/707119852/1002