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James Steinberge: "Armenian-Turkish Reconciliation Process To Advanc

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  • James Steinberge: "Armenian-Turkish Reconciliation Process To Advanc


    Noyan Tapan
    July 13, 2009

    YEREVAN, JULY 13, NOYAN TAPAN. The United States of America has
    always said that the Armenian-Turkish reconciliation process must
    advance irrespecetive of any other process, independently. U.S. Deputy
    Secretary of State James Steiberge mentioned it at the press conference
    held at the end of the July 10 meeting with President of Armenia
    Serge Sargsian in Yerevan. "We are sure that the parties will move in
    that direction as well, as it is driven by both parties' interets to
    advance in that direction, we will encourage that the process advances
    independently, of course, we will welcome the parallel progress in
    the Nagorno Karabakh settlement," he said.

    In the high-ranking official's words, the U.S. appreciates efforts
    of Armenia to advance in the process having a historic meaning and
    welcomes the steps which were taken to open a new chapter in the
    history of the region.

    Steiberge mentioned that there is a considerable progress in the
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement within the framework of the OSCE
    Minsk Group: "We impatiently wait for further steps in that direction,
    particularly for the coming meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and
    Aerbaijan in Moscow."

    The American delegation, before coming to Yerevan, met with
    President Aliyev in Baku: "Both parties have great desire to find
    a joint solution based on Madrid principles, statement of the OSCE
    Minsk Group Co-Chairpersons and three Chairmen of the co-chairing
    countries to fix a progress at Moscow meeting. We feel that there
    is resoluteness to continue the progress, there is a constructive
    approach," J. Steinberge said.

    The American diplomate also welcame the Armenian authorities'
    statement on the irreversible character of the process of deepening
    the democratic reforms in Armenia. The U.S. also welcomes the Armenian
    authorities' decision to announce amnesty and encourages to countinue
    that process. The U.S. is ready to assist the process of deepening
    the democratic reforms, economic development of Armenia, realizing
    that challenges of the time make the state of developing countries
    like Armenia especially difficult.

    Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian in his turn mentioned
    that the United States, as one of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing
    countries, has serious contribution in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    settlement. "We welcome the constructive efforts of the U.S. and
    other co-chairing countries in the process of outcome of this pivotal
    problem," he said. He mentioned that it was mentioned at the meeting
    with the RA President that Armenia will continue making efforts
    in the direction of peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict, based on self-determination of nations, the territorial
    integrity and principles of non-use of force or non-use of threat of
    force. It was mentioned relating to the Armenian-Turkish relations
    that Armenia is ready to regulate relations and open the borders
    without any preconditions: "We wait for practical steps by Turkey,"
    E. Nalbandian said.

    It was fixed at the meeting that the Armenian-American relations passed
    an important way of development but there is a serious potential and
    bilateral readiness for widening them, and "we shall take practical
    steps in that direction," the Minister said. Different spheres of
    the agenda on the Armenian-American relations, this is the political
    dialogue, economic cooperation, programs of the United States of
    America on assisting development of Armenia and their widening,
    were touched upon during the meeting.

    The Armenian Foreign Minister appreciated the OSCE Minsk Group U.S.,
    French and Russian Chairpersons' statement addressed to the co-chairing
    countries, it is an additional assistance to the parties to make the
    positions closer.

    In his words, it is important that "what has been spoken about by
    Armenia for a long time is unequivocally said here: the Karabakh status
    must be defined by expression of the Karabakh people's will which
    must have a legal obliging power. It is important that uninterrupted
    land communication between Armenia and Karabakh is spoken about,
    it is important that security guarantees are spoken about. Those are
    the important elements about which Armenia many times stated as the
    most important basis for the Nagorno Karabakh problem settlement,"
    Edward Nalbandian said.