16.07.2009 17:25 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ After joint statement of Obama, Medvedev and Sarkozy
on NKR conflict settlement, superpowers are trying to artificially
expedite the process, which is rather dangerous, considering Georgia's
experience of August 2008, Head of Analytical Center for Globalization
and Regional Collaboration Stepan Grigoryan told a news conference
in Yerevan.
"USA and EU strive to establish stability in Caucasus to enable oil
and gas project's implementation. Russia, in it turn, aims to resolve
issues of Azeri gas purchase and allocation of Russian peacemakers
in conflict zone through NKR conflict settlement. Still Moscow will
not manage it," Armenian expert noted.
According to him, in such a situation Armenia has to explain
mediators that they should refrain from steps causing peace process
disruption. Besides, Stepan Grigoryan emphasized that Yerevan should
take its best efforts for NKR to return to negotiations.
16.07.2009 17:25 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ After joint statement of Obama, Medvedev and Sarkozy
on NKR conflict settlement, superpowers are trying to artificially
expedite the process, which is rather dangerous, considering Georgia's
experience of August 2008, Head of Analytical Center for Globalization
and Regional Collaboration Stepan Grigoryan told a news conference
in Yerevan.
"USA and EU strive to establish stability in Caucasus to enable oil
and gas project's implementation. Russia, in it turn, aims to resolve
issues of Azeri gas purchase and allocation of Russian peacemakers
in conflict zone through NKR conflict settlement. Still Moscow will
not manage it," Armenian expert noted.
According to him, in such a situation Armenia has to explain
mediators that they should refrain from steps causing peace process
disruption. Besides, Stepan Grigoryan emphasized that Yerevan should
take its best efforts for NKR to return to negotiations.