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Baku Becomes A Question Mark For Nabucco Project

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  • Baku Becomes A Question Mark For Nabucco Project

    Jessica Powley Hayden

    July 16 2009

    The Nabucco pipeline project took a major step forward when five
    transit countries recently signed an agreement after years of
    hesitation. But at least one wild card remains in the path of the
    project's realization -- Azerbaijan. Although Baku has voiced strong
    support for Nabucco, experts caution that the country's recent gas
    deal with Gazprom could complicate Baku's ability to serve as a major
    supplier for the long-planned pipeline.

    Within Azerbaijan, reactions to the Nabucco agreement, signed July
    13, have been outwardly warm. [For background see the Eurasia Insight
    archive]. President Ilham Aliyev expressed hope for a gas transit deal
    with Turkey "in the near future," the Turan news agency reported. On
    hand for the signing ceremony, Minister of Industry and Energy Natig
    Aliyev (no relation to President Aliyev) stressed that Baku remains
    interested in all profitable export routes, including Nabucco.

    No one disputes the importance of Azerbaijan in making Nabucco a
    reality. With Iranian gas not an option, "if you [are] going to do
    anything about Nabucco and start the project you have to be able to
    rely on Azeri gas," Turkish international relations expert Soli Ozel
    told Voice of America on July 13. [For background see the Eurasia
    Insight archive].

    In late June, however, Azerbaijan inked a deal with Russia's Gazprom
    for gas from Stage 2 of the Shah Deniz field -- the same field that
    Nabucco hopes to tap for its pipeline. The agreement stipulates that
    other purchasers must outbid Gazprom. This provision could give Russia
    another tool to stall -- or even to quash -- the Nabucco project,
    which is intended to decrease Europe's reliance on Russia's gas. [For
    details, see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Some analysts posit the Gazprom agreement could result in inflated --
    and therefore unprofitable -- prices for Shah Deniz supplies. "This
    [Gazprom] agreement with Azerbaijan is not the end of the Nabucco
    project. But what will be the price?" Konstantin Simonov, general
    director of the Russian National Energy Security Fund told New Europe
    Magazine. "[President] Aliyev will try to blackmail Russia with Europe
    and Europe with Russia. It's a very simple scenario."

    According to some local media reports, Gazprom was willing to pay
    a hefty price for Shah Deniz gas, as much as $350 per thousand cubic
    meters. Such a high purchase price would seem to be rooted in political
    considerations, rather than in sound business sense.

    Some analysts speculated that the Gazprom deal signaled Azerbaijan's
    reorientation towards Russia. But Baku's ongoing interest in
    Nabucco casts doubt on the theory that Azerbaijan is moving back
    into Moscow's orbit. "This is Azerbaijan being pragmatic, rather
    than shifting its allegiances," said John Daly, a fellow with John
    Hopkins University's Central Asia-Caucasus Institute in Washington,
    DC. "I think that Azerbaijan has increasingly adopted an attitude
    towards Western investors of 'show me the money,' rather than making
    a full geopolitical realignment."

    Other experts have pointed out that Baku can use its Shah Deniz gas
    as leverage, particularly in its dealings with Moscow concerning
    the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. [For background see the Eurasia
    Insight archive].

    Still, Baku's deal with Gazprom has created uncertainty about the
    availability of Shah Deniz gas for Nabucco. That, in fact, was part
    of Gazprom's strategy, argued the Russian National Energy Security
    Fund's Simonov. "Russia wants to react [to Nabucco] and that is why
    we go to Azerbaijan and ask Azerbaijan to sell this gas from Shah
    Deniz to us," he stated.

    Azerbaijan must also take into account Russia's increasing
    assertiveness in the region, underscored by last year's incursion of
    Russian troops into Georgia. [For background see the Eurasia Insight
    archive]. The war disrupted Baku's oil exports and resulted in an
    estimated loss of over $1 billion in revenue. "The war . . . indicated
    Moscow's interest in retaining influence in the southern Caucasus,"
    Daly added. Now, Baku will want "hard and fast information (and
    investment) from the West, before needlessly alienating Russia."

    One way of accomplishing that goal is to frame the 7.9-billion-euro
    (about $11.1 billion) Nabucco project in commercial, not political,
    terms. This week, Azerbaijani leaders and commentators attempted to
    do just that. "I believe Nabucco is a project that meets both the
    commercial and geo-strategic interest of Azerbaijan," Fikrat Sadigov,
    a Baku-based political scientist told "The fact that the
    project bypasses Russia does not mean that it is aimed against Russia."

    President Aliyev and Energy Minister Aliyev have taken care of late
    to emphasize that future pipeline deals will be based on commercial
    factors. Few, however, believe that Nabucco can be separated from the
    political goal of reducing Europe's reliance on Russian gas. (The name
    of the project itself comes from an Italian opera about liberation
    from bondage). Those hardest hit by last winter's Russian-Ukrainian
    dispute and the cut-off of Russian gas to Europe have been candid about
    Nabucco's aims. The outgoing Bulgarian prime minister Sergei Stanishev,
    for example, called the July 13 Nabucco agreement "a strong message
    both politically and economically" for "the Bulgarian government and
    the Bulgarian citizens" caught in this year's gas crisis, the Voice
    of America reported

    But for all the high hopes expressed at the July 13 signing ceremony,
    without a firm and clear commitment from Azerbaijan for gas supplies,
    Nabucco will be no closer to becoming a reality, analysts believe.

    Editor's Note: Jessica Powley Hayden is a freelance writer based
    in Baku.