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'Secular Islam' is a contradiction in terms

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  • 'Secular Islam' is a contradiction in terms

    The Tennessean
    July 18 2009

    'Secular Islam' is a contradiction in terms

    By Vijay Kumar ¢ July 18, 2009

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    I have read with interest the Rev. Kenneth Locke's article, "Trip to
    Turkey illuminates Islam,'' The Tennessean, July 13. The good reverend
    chose to tell one feel-good side of the story while ignoring enough to
    fill an encyclopedia. Here is just a glimpse of "the rest of the

    Turkey is secular in spite of Islam, not because of it. Turkey's
    powerful military is what keeps it secular.
    "Secular Islam'' is an irreconcilable contradiction in terms.
    The modern secular Turkish Republic was founded by the great Mustafa
    Kemal Ataturk (Great Turk), who despised everything Arabic and
    Islamic. He wanted Turkey to be Western, secular, European and
    democratic. It was Ataturk who conceived of gender equality and
    secularism for Turkey, in direct contravention to its Islamic leaders.
    It was Ataturk who issued the order to change the Turkish language
    alphabet from Arabic to Latin, in order to distance his people from
    Arabic culture as much as possible. He banned traditional
    Turkish/Arabic attire and encouraged his fellow countrymen and women
    to wear Western clothing.
    ¢ Locke's article studiously avoids Islamic Turkish atrocities in
    Cyprus and Greece, and the destruction of Orthodox Christian states in
    Eastern Europe.
    ¢ Why doesn't Locke ask Christian Armenians, Serbs, Greeks and
    Hungarians, or Muslim Kurds, about Islamic Turkish "tolerance?"
    ¢ If Islam is so tolerant of other religions, why is it that 99
    percent of Turkey's population is still Muslim, even long after
    sweeping political and social secularization?
    ¢ Why does Turkey fail to acknowledge the Armenian holocaust?
    ¢ What happened to Greek, Armenian and Russian minorities in
    ¢ Does Locke know how Constantinople became Istanbul? Has he done
    even a minimal amount of homework concerning how Islamic Turks
    destroyed the entire Orthodox Christian church in the Near East?
    Turkey wants to be secular now because it benefits its people. It
    wants full membership in the European Union so that it can export
    surplus Turkish population to Europe and the Americas.

    If the Rev. Locke wants to know about true Islam in action, I strongly
    recommend that he visit Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Somalia or Saudi
    Arabia, then come back and write a balanced and comprehensive report.

    The hard fact that Locke attempts to waltz around is that Islam cannot
    assimilate into American society for the very simple reason that the
    Quran is the antithesis of the U.S. Constitution.
    The U.S. Constitution is of the people, by the people and for the
    people. Americans delegate power to the government to manage their
    affairs. In stark contrast, the Quran is considered by its adherents
    to be the literal world of Allah, the Arabic God, and the final
    arbiter of the law and the affairs of man. Muslims are slaves of
    Allah, whereas America was founded as a haven and harbor for free and
    independent people.
    The Quran is simply incompatible with the Constitution; therefore, the
    assimilation of Islam into American society, in the long run, is
    highly unlikely if not categorically impossible.
    I don't know why Locke wanted to spend his vacation time in his hotel
    room watching American sports or daytime shows while visiting a
    foreign land, but if he is going to assay to write about Islam, I
    suggest he get out more.

    Vijay Kumar, a native of India, is a longtime resident of
    Nashville. He is in telecommunications sales. 8/OPINION03/907180309/1008/OPINION01/+Secular+Isla m++is+a+contradiction+in+terms