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Nakhijevan: Turkish-Azerbaijani Discrepancies

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  • Nakhijevan: Turkish-Azerbaijani Discrepancies

    Karen Veranyan

    Noravank" Foundation
    25 June 2009

    The recent developments in the South Caucasus round the number
    of key issues sidelined not less important problems of the region,
    among which the developments round the Nakhijevan Autonomous Republic
    (NA) and the involvement of the external powers, and firstly Turkey,
    can be mentioned.

    The facts evidence that especially during the last decade Turkey
    managed to ensure the considerable political and economic presence
    in the NA and this should really worry Baku. The low profile of the
    central Azerbaijani authorities in the issue of the activation of
    the Turkish factor in the region is, perhaps, determined by the logic
    of non-infringement of the brotherhood relations with Turkey and to
    exclude the speculations on the Turkish-Azerbaijani discrepancies. The
    fraction between Azerbaijan and Turkey on Nakhijevan, which, in its
    essence, is of fundamental importance, can be classified according
    to several main directions.

    Demographic problems Nakhijevan, which have no land frontier with
    the Republic of Azerbaijan, has appeared in a deplorable social
    and economic state, due to which a vast stratum of local population
    prefers to emigrate. In accordance with the unofficial figures the
    population of the autonomy sank considerably because of the poor
    economic conditions, endemic unemployment. According to the population
    census in 1999, there were about 37020thousand people living in the
    autonomy and at present that number does not exceed 150 thousand.

    That problem becomes even more disturbing for the central authorities
    of Azerbaijan when another topical problem comes forward - the tendency
    of transformation of the demographic setting of Nakhiijevan. At the
    recent period the inflow of the population, most of which are Kurds,
    of the eastern regions of Turkey to the Nakhijevan Autonomy can be
    observed. The new settlers from the eastern parts of Turkey integrate
    to the social conditions and life of the autonomy with comparative
    ease. Even more, most of them managed to buy estate there at rather
    short period (and this has become rather natural thing). This
    problem bothers Azerbaijani experts, who connect the tendency of
    gradual transformation of the NA with the special policy of Turkey,
    in the consequence of which in the near future Nakhijevan will face
    the threat of Kurdishizing.

    Focusing their attention mainly on the process of the Kurdishizing
    of the autonomy, there are no words in the press about people of
    Nakhijevan who has immigrated to Turkey and settled as a rule in Igdir
    and Istanbul. The point is that Turkish party carries out serious
    work with the immigrated Azerbaijanis, trying to use their presence in
    the line of the activation of the Turkish factor in the autonomy. The
    official Ankara, on the one hand promotes to the comparatively easy
    integration o f the Azerbaijani settlers to the local social and
    community life and on the other hand it promotes in any way to the
    communication with their relatives who stayed in the autonomy.

    Clannish struggle The absence of the land frontier with the NA has
    considerably weakened, especially for the recent decade, the control of
    the central authorities of Azerbaijan over the internal and external
    processes in the autonomy. But not only: today it is not spoken about
    the discrepancies between the authorities of the NA and the central
    authorities. In the autonomy, which appeared in the enclave, all the
    conditions are created for the establishment of the authoritative
    and despotic order, which can be seen there today. As the people of
    the autonomy mention at every turn basic human rights and freedoms
    are violated but due to the pressure of the local authorities they
    have no opportunity to speak about it. It is not infrequent that
    the opponents of the local authorities, who openly expressed their
    indignation over the established despotic order, the atmosphere of
    the unfairness and the impunity, were arrested on the charges of the
    espionage for Armenia.

    Due to the ebbing of the influence of the central authorities on the
    elite of the NA the clannish discrepancies between the centre and
    the region were aggravated. It is know that the central authorities
    of Azerbaijan represented by the Alievs family origin from Nakhijevan
    and th ey have rather serious contradictions with the ruling clan of
    the autonomy.

    To preserve the control and the influence over the NA Azerbaijani
    authorities tried to activate oppositional wing of the local
    authorities, but they failed to achieve serious success. The "enclave"
    psychology or the so called complex of the isolated co-existence also
    put obstacles in the way of the rectification of the relations with
    the centre.

    The discrepancies between the local authorities of Nakhijevan and
    the central authorities of Azerbaijan are a good reason for the
    Turkish party to expand its involvement in the internal issues of
    the autonomy. In recent years the official Ankara has considerably
    activated the collaboration with the authorities of the autonomy
    and in this connection the central authorities of Azerbaijan have
    expressed their indignation repeatedly. But on the other hand the
    official Ankara accepts warmly the representatives of the opposition
    and average citizens. One should forget that the opponents of the
    ruling elite in Nakhijevan very often are obliged to express their
    concern about the desolated condition in the autonomy through the
    interference and the support of the Turkish party.

    Economic factor The unfavourable social and economic situation
    provides to the collaboration between the Nakhijevan Autonomy and
    Turkey. The absence of the land frontier considerably complicates the
    communication and the turnover of the commodities20between the centre
    and the region. They are mainly carried out through the territory
    of Iran. The economic partnership with the neighbouring Turkey is
    more profitable from technical and financial points of view. That
    partnership brought to the economic dependence of Nakhijevan's economy
    on that country. The most part of the electric energy is supplied to
    Nakhijevan from Turkey and the small quantity from Iran.

    The factor of the neighbouring Iran is one of the important
    preconditions for the deepening of the economic, as well as political
    relations between the autonomy and Turkey. The problem is that Iranian
    party, taking into consideration the factor of the Azerbaijanis in
    Iran is wary of any activation of the Azerbaijanis in Nakhijevan and
    the gaining of the political and economic weight of the Nakhijevan
    Autonomy in the region.

    Thus, it is logical that the Iranian party is not interested at all
    in the economic development of the autonomy. Thus, the absence of
    the land frontier with Azerbaijan, not very friendly relations with
    Iran and the absence of any relations with another adjacent country -
    Armenia, have turned the collaboration with Turkey into profitable
    alternative. Turkey continues to play key role in the economic
    development of the Nakhijevan Autonomy. The Turkish capital holds a
    firm place in such spheres of the autonomy's economy as transport,
    services, building and tourism.

    Conclusion The problem of Nakhijevan is the most contradictory part
    in the brotherhood relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey. The
    Nakhijevan Autonomy is still in the "information vacuum" and this
    allows Turkish party acting freely in this direction.

    In the recent period the rumours about the further fate of the
    Nakhijevan Autonomy were activated owning to the rectification of the
    relations between Armenia and Turkey. The authorities of Azerbaijan
    clearly realize that the opening of the border between Armenia and
    Turkey would strengthen the barrier between the Republic of Azerbaijan
    and the Nakhijevan Autonomy and would provide to even more weakening of
    the control and involvement of the central authorities in the internal
    development of the autonomy and this would bring to the extension of
    the influence of Turkey in the internal and external problems.