24.07.2009 17:30 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "We will go to Turkey to play football, if there
advancement is achieved over opening the roads between Armenia and
Turkey. It is necessary to stress that we wish to open a road between
Armenia and Turkey, not the border, since who said that the existing
line is the true boundary between the two countries?", Galust Saakyan,
the head of the parliamentary fraction of the Republican Party of
Armenia told a press conference today.
According Galust Sahakyan, the problem of opening the roads between
Armenia and Turkey is on the agenda of world powers. A goodwill of
Turkey's authorities is apparent today, but since there are different
problems inside the country, so the Turkish authorities make different
statements, he said.
"Establishment of diplomatic relations does not mean recognition of
Turkey's borders," Galust Saakyan said, answering the question of a
PanARMENIAN.Net adding: "Recognition of the Turkish state on the part
of Armenia and establishment of diplomatic relations with Turkey does
not entail recognition of its borders."
24.07.2009 17:30 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "We will go to Turkey to play football, if there
advancement is achieved over opening the roads between Armenia and
Turkey. It is necessary to stress that we wish to open a road between
Armenia and Turkey, not the border, since who said that the existing
line is the true boundary between the two countries?", Galust Saakyan,
the head of the parliamentary fraction of the Republican Party of
Armenia told a press conference today.
According Galust Sahakyan, the problem of opening the roads between
Armenia and Turkey is on the agenda of world powers. A goodwill of
Turkey's authorities is apparent today, but since there are different
problems inside the country, so the Turkish authorities make different
statements, he said.
"Establishment of diplomatic relations does not mean recognition of
Turkey's borders," Galust Saakyan said, answering the question of a
PanARMENIAN.Net adding: "Recognition of the Turkish state on the part
of Armenia and establishment of diplomatic relations with Turkey does
not entail recognition of its borders."