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Karabakh Focus: Talks Snarled On "Interim Status"

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  • Karabakh Focus: Talks Snarled On "Interim Status"

    By Tatul Hakobian

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting IWPR
    July 27 2009

    Moscow meeting leaves sides no closer and many questions unanswered.

    Agreement on Nagorny Karabakh's "interim status", a precondition for
    an internationally-brokered peace process, is the current obstacle
    to progress in talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan, participants said.

    Under the six-part Madrid Principles supported by Russia, France and
    the United States - co-chairs of the Minsk Group of mediators - the
    self-declared state would have some kind of unresolved status until
    a referendum could be held to decide its long-term future.

    The presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan met in Moscow just over a
    week ago but no breakthrough occurred, despite intense international

    "We are currently discussing the separation of certain principles
    from the Madrid Principles, after which we must discuss the remaining
    principles. On this basis we must start the preparation of the final
    agreement," Armenian president Serzh Sargsian told a European Union
    delegation on July 20, following his return from Russia.

    "The main element is the question of the status of Nagorny Karabakh,
    which must be resolved through a legally binding expression of
    will. When we can give this question a precise definition, which
    cannot allow dual interpretations, I think the talks will continue
    more smoothly."

    The Karabakh conflict broke out in 1988 with clashes between Azeris
    and Armenians, who made up the majority of the population of Nagorny
    Karabakh but who were included within the boundaries of Azerbaijan. The
    territory declared independence unilaterally in 1991, triggering a
    conflict that ended with a ceasefire in 1994.

    Since then the ceasefire has largely held, but there has been almost no
    progress on a final resolution of the conflict. Azerbaijan and Armenia
    lack diplomatic ties, while around a million Azeris and hundreds of
    thousands of Armenians remain displaced. Their return to their former
    homes is another one of the Madrid Principles, but no progress was
    made on that either.

    "The Armenian troops must be removed from the occupied territories, and
    after that the question of the return of refugees to their lands can
    be raised," said Elmar Mamedyarov, the Azerbaijani foreign minister,
    on his return to Baku, sparking an angry response from his counterpart
    in Yerevan.

    "During the Moscow meeting, these questions (territory and refugees)
    were not even discussed," said Edward Nalbandian, the Armenian
    foreign minister.

    The issue is complicated by Turkey, which is engaged in a separate
    talks process with Armenia over opening its own border. Ankara has
    said its negotiations are linked to the progress of the talks over
    Karabakh, which may be driving Armenia towards a solution.

    Meanwhile, the self-declared government of Nagorny Karabakh, whose
    independence has not been recognised by any country, objects that its
    authorities are not included in the peace negotiations and says that
    its status is not negotiable.

    Bako Sahakian, the leader of Nagorny Karabakh, laid out his position
    on July 10 before the talks even started.

    "Our position is clear and remains unchanged. The independence of
    the Nagorny Karabakh Republic is an established fact and is not under
    discussion," he said.

    "Without the agreement of the people of the NagornyKarabakh Republic it
    is impossible to come to any resolution. Artsakh (Karabakh in Armenian)
    is the major side in the talks, and yet today is not taking part in the
    negotiations process, and we have to restore this important principle."

    His statement was echoed by many other political figures and social
    groups in Karabakh, but the Azerbaijani negotiators said they could
    be included only after the other participants had resolved all the
    major principles on which the talks would be based.

    According to political commentators, the two sides were discussing
    some kind of exchange involving giving Azerbaijan the five regions
    outside Nagorny Karabakh proper that Armenian forces either partially
    or entirely control, in exchange for Azerbaijan recognising the
    territory's interim status, as laid out in the Madrid Principles.

    But this was unlikely to meet approval in Karabakh either.

    "The territory of Nagorny Karabakh cannot be an item to trade, and if
    we depart from our current situation and attempt to assess the exchange
    of real territory for the recognition of a virtual and interim status,
    then it is clear that such an exchange is far from adequate," said
    Masis Mailian, the former foreign minister in the Karabakh government.

    Former participants in the talks said the negotiations sound like
    they have stalled, since the issues being discussed were similar to
    those that have been discussed for the last decade or more.

    "Whether they're closer or not [it's hard to say], but I can say
    it's more complicated now that it's ever been," said Vardan Oskanian,
    former Armenian foreign minister and a veteran of the talks process.

    "There appears to be urgency on the part of the co-chair countries
    to resolve this conflict. This can bring added pressure on the
    parties. That, together with the fact that in the minds of negotiators
    and the parties, there is the issue of the Turkish-Armenian border

    "This may make it difficult to reconcile differences and reach an
    agreement. Azerbaijan may convince itself that Armenians now need a
    solution more than they do, and they may simply raise the stakes and
    make a deal impossible."

    Tatul Hakobian is Yerevan correspondent for US newspaper The Armenian