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Cases Of Karapetian And Pelivan As Morality Check For Obama Adminstr

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  • Cases Of Karapetian And Pelivan As Morality Check For Obama Adminstr

    By Hrant Darbinian

    AZG Armenian Daily

    Human Rights

    There is less foreign detainees placed in legal vacuum at the
    U.S. naval base on Guantanamo, Cuba, than foreign journalists deprived
    of legal protections by the U.S. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in
    Prague, Czech Republic. Still remaining at Guantanamo 228 foreign
    inmates, are considered to be "enemy combatants" dangerous to the
    United States. Void of legal defenses foreign journalists at RFE/RL
    were on April 5th personally prized by Obama's Secretary of State
    Hillary Clinton for their contribution to "a broad international
    agreement with values that respect human dignity, individual rights
    and responsibilities". Is it cynicism, insensitivity, immorality?

    Guantanamo v. RFE/RL There are differences, of course. It is, first of
    all, the degree of sincerity. Inmates at Guantanamo were never promised
    the protection of American laws. Guantanamo, notes the New York-based
    Center for Constitutional Rights, was "intended to hold individuals
    outside of the rule of domestic or international law". At Guantanamo,
    the purpose was brutally honest. The intention of RFE/RL and its
    governing Federal Agency in Washington, the Broadcasting Board of
    Governors (BBG), to the contrary, was fraudulently deceptive. Foreign
    employees of RFE/RL, which broadcasts in 28 languages to 21 countries,
    have uniform employment agreements "governed by the applicable laws
    of the United States, the laws of the District of Columbia, or the
    policies of the Company". Sounds good.

    The problem is that, unlike American citizens, the foreigners
    hired by RFE/RL, the U.S. company abroad, are, by American law,
    exempt from legal protection in the United States - regardless of
    what their employer served them in work contracts. They are, to use
    the expression of respectable Czech newspaper Lidove noviny, the
    "rightless aborigines" hired by "colonial power". After protracted
    litigation, Czech courts accepted the position represented by RFE/RL:
    the Czech labor law does not protect foreign journalists who signed
    the contracts governed by American law (inapplicable) also. In plain
    language: they are in legal vacuum with no defense in any national
    courts, American or Czech.

    As we reported earlier (AZG, #86), U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
    has been officially requested by two former RFE/RL employees to open
    criminal investigation of the fraudulent personnel practice of BBG and
    RFE/RL. Anna Karapetian, an Armenian citizen, and Snjezana Pelivan, a
    Croatian, who, as foreigners, cannot challenge unmotivated terminations
    of their employment in the American Equal Employment Opportunity
    Commission, American and Czech courts, are asking Obama's Minister
    of Justice to look into their rightless status intentionally hoaxed
    by RFE/RL. The same no-rights-to-foreigners status have hundreds of
    their former colleagues hired in Prague by American "human rights"
    radio - Iranians, Russians, Arabs, Ukrainians, Georgians, Uzbeks,
    Azeris, Byelorussians, etc. Instead of contractually promised to them
    protection by American laws, they are exposed only to wishy-washy
    "policies of the Company". It means: to be fired at any time,
    without prior warning, without any stated reason, regardless of
    family situation or health condition, positive performance reviews
    notwithstanding, with no preliminary disciplinary measures applied (if
    deserved), with no severance unless one gives up in writing the right
    to question the termination. Just as Anna Karapetian, the mother of
    three minors, and Snjezana Pelivan were fired. At different times but
    in the same fashion - arbitrary. And in total contradiction to Czech
    laws protective to the weaker party in labor relations - to employee.

    Court Cases Against RFE/RL as Failure in Public Diplomacy The
    Center for Constitutional Rights, a non-profit legal and educational
    organization, calls Guantanamo "the human rights disaster". By the
    same token, BBG and RFE/RL can be called a human rights hoax. But they
    also are what Guantanamo was never meant to be - a highly visible
    tool of American public diplomacy. In that capacity they failed
    miserably. Their failure is multilingual, international, public,
    thunderous, and with no end in sight.

    Lawsuits against RFE/RL brought in Czech courts by Anna Karapetian and
    Snjezana Pelivan received an unprecedented media echo - in Russian,
    English, Czech, Armenian, Serbo-Croatian. The list of negative media
    publications is virtually endless. Here are some headlines, to mention
    but a few: "Czech Sovereignty Ends at RFE/RL", "Free Europe With Its
    Own Laws in Colonial Czech Republic?", "Radio Liberty Betrays its
    Ideals", "Radio Free Europe - Guantanamo in Prague", "Equality With
    Precondition. Practice of Free Europe Contradicts Its Ideals", "From
    Human Rights Show to Human Rights Court", "Public Disaster Instead
    of Public Diplomacy", "Prague Spring of 2009 Leads to Strasbourg",
    "U.S. Attorney General is Asked to Investigate Fraud at RFE/RL",
    "Doomsday of Radio Liberty. From Double Standards to Double Morals?",
    "New Administration Must Undo RFE/RL Anti-Diplomacy Abroad", "BBG,
    RFE/RL: Bring Public Diplomats Instead of Public Bureaucrats",
    "Don't Feed Kremlin's Public Diplomacy With U.S. Public Hypocrisy",
    "A Sense of Betrayal", etc.

    The most devious anti-American mind would not be able to design
    such an international media campaign devastating to RFE/RL and,
    by natural extension, to American image and trustworthiness abroad,
    as the American RFE/RL managed to cause on its own.

    It is worth to note that this already incessant media coverage of the
    lawsuits only precedes the actual submission of legal claims against
    RFE/RL to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Snjezana
    Pelivan whose case is the first to go to Strasbourg, will formally
    apply to the European Court by September 16th as dictates the European
    Conventions for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
    Freedoms. Karapetian's application will follow. Predictable: the
    avalanche of indignant media voices in support of discriminated
    colleagues will follow too. Their tenor is just as easily predictable
    (see above): hypocrisy, betrayal of ideals, violation of human rights,
    lawlessness, double standards, moral disaster, fraud, cynicism.

    On June 3rd, an authoritative American website "Understanding
    Government" called for out-of-court settlements of "the unfortunate
    and unpopular legal disputes" that cause "headaches for the Obama
    Administration and especially for Secretary of state Clinton", and
    reported: "The Croatian and Armenian governments are supporting their
    lawsuits" (in Strasbourg - H.D.). It makes the international scandal
    perfect. Incidentally, Board of Directors and National Advisory Council
    of "Understanding Government" includes, among other prominent names,
    two former White House press secretaries, Pulitzer prize winners,
    former state governors, Harvard and Yale University professors.

    BBG, RFE/RL: Blind, Deaf, and Illiterate?

    But who are they - those myopic American officials who manage BBG
    and run RFE/RL with such a harm to not only the institutions to them
    entrusted, but also to ethical standing of the American Congress
    that provides them with public dollars, and to moral integrity of
    Obama Administration?

    Concerning BBG that yearly distributes close to 700 million dollars to
    all U.S. non-military broadcasters worldwide, including RFE/RL, the
    most realistic answer is bewildering and disheartening. It may sound
    as the line from a B-rated horror movie, but BBG, which according
    to the latest official survey is ranked as the worst place of work
    in American government, practically does not exist. At present,
    it is a host Agency. Service terms of all eight BBG members assigned
    still by President Bush, have expired. Four of them, including the BBG
    chairman, long ago had left the chairs. The remaining four are working
    on temporary extensions. Collectively, they may form a decision able
    quorum only together with Hillary Clinton. As the serving Secretary of
    State, she is an ex officio the ninth, i.e. presently the fifth member
    of BBG. However, as American media notes, Clinton is represented at
    BBG meetings (if any) by her Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and
    Public Affaires Judith McHale who is new in the government.

    Still, are they all blind to see, deaf to hear, illiterate to
    read what's going on around RFE/RL in Europe? Of course, they are
    not. But do they really care after expiration of their tenure? And is
    Mrs. McHale, a novice at the very beginning of her tenure, daring and
    bold enough to push for the revision of fallacious RFE/RL personnel
    policies established by BBG? Evident answer to those questions
    is "no". Evident result of that answer is "damage". Damage to
    reputation of RFE/RL as institution of public diplomacy, damage to
    ethical standing of U.S. Congress, damage to moral trustworthiness
    of Obama's White House with its promises to show the world "the best
    face of America".

    But what about RFE/RL president Geffrey Gedmin? Cannot he himself
    stop the scandalous lawsuits against his organization by simply
    offering fair out-of-court settlements? Was not he disturbed even by
    unprecedented in RFE/RL history recent plenary hearings on the Radio's
    discriminative personnel policies held by Czech parliament? Or is
    it him who is blind, deaf, illiterate? Hardly. He permanently writes
    and speaks, signs correctly formulated collective letters about the
    importance of human rights in American politics -- and requests more
    money. Is he too passive to act? Not at all. For instance, last May
    he traveled to Byelorussia and then let it be known how he was upset
    because president Lukashenka did not accept him. Well, Lukashenka,
    just as Fidel Castro earlier, also did not accept the Czech senator
    Jaromir Stetina who personally protested the trampling on human rights
    in Byelorussia and Cuba. Such are they, antidemocratic presidents. But
    why RFE/RL president did not even bother to answer the letter of the
    same senator Stetina who, alarmed by media reports of human rights
    violations at RFE/RL, asked him, Geffrey Gedmin, to look personally
    into the court cases brought against the Radio, in order "to protect
    the reputation and integrity of RFE/RL in the Czech Republic"? How to
    explain that? In his book "Dreams from My Father" published fourteen
    years ago Barack Obama wrote how he learned "to disdain the blend
    of ignorance and arrogance that too often characterized Americans
    abroad". Belongs Mr. Gedmin to that breed? Questions... The simple
    truth is that, whatever the answers are, RFE/RL president is simply a
    powerless representative figure, for RFE/RL major personnel policies
    are formulated by the Office of Human Resources of BBG and not by
    the Human Resources Department of RFE/RL.

    The vicious circle is closed here. The court cases of Snjezana Pelivan
    and Anna Karapetian remain open.

    Hospitality Could Be Expensive. To the Host RFE/RL became a litmus
    paper and moral test for Obama Administration. It is natural, even
    mandatory for modern-days American presidents to speak about rule
    of law and human rights - be it Richard Nixon, George Bush or Barack
    Obama. It is not easy for any American president to follow human rights
    compass in daily political decisions and practical actions - as was
    amply demonstrated by Jimmy Carter, the champion of well-meant human
    rights pronouncements. But it is rather immoral to tolerate glaring
    violations of human rights by American institutions established and
    financed by public money in order to further and support the broad
    spectrum of human rights. Unfortunately, it seems that six month
    after Obama's inauguration, such is the case of hypocritical RFE/RL
    and virtually defunct BBG neglected by U.S. Department of State.

    On June 17th, Washington Post wrote that President Obama is
    preparing the list of new BBG appointees for approval by the Senate,
    as prescribed by the International Broadcasting Act. The newspaper
    expects that BBG soon will be reset into working mode. By today,
    however, the hearings on BBG assignments are not in the work schedule
    of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

    In the meantime, it is the Obama's government, in particular his
    Secretary of State as the member of not only BBG but also RFE/RL Board
    of Directors, that is able (and probably should) act without further
    procrastination: to stop by prudent peaceful offer the court cases
    against irresponsible and impotent RFE/RL before they reach European
    Court of Human Rights. Ever broadening international scandal already
    at hand, may be only exacerbated by the fact that it is the hospitable
    to RFE/RL Czech Republic that will be formally sued in Strasbourg for
    tolerating on its territory Guantanamo-like human rights violations
    by American human rights institution. What a sad irony!