Abovian Armenian Cultural Association
Address: Weesperstraat 91
2574 VS The Hague, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31704490209
Email: info@abovian.nl
Website: www.abovian.nl
Contact: M. Hakhverdian
Press Release
Centennial of William Saroyan¹s birth celebrated in Holland
The Hague, 23 May 2009 ­ If ever there has been an occasion in the
Netherlands to be informed on the particular talent and personality of the
Armenian-American writer William Saroyan, it was on 23 May 2009. To mark the
centenary of the birth of Armenian-American author William Saroyan, the
Abovian Armenian Cultural Association had organised a seminar in the Treehut
of the American Book Center in The Hague.
A complete picture of the remarkable Saroyan was brought forward amid great
public by lectures and audiovisual presentations on the life and work of the
writer. There was an exhibition of his (original) artwork and different
publications of his books (among which 7 in Dutch translations), as well as
live music with songs by Saroyan and from his era.
The event was specially marked by the announcement of the results of the
Short Story Contest launched last year by the Abovian Association on the
occasion of the Saroyan Centennial.
Both recent publications and second-hand books by Saroyan were available at
the seminar and in the American Book Center.
The programme started with a lecture by Ms. Nairi Hakhverdian, before a full
audience in a hall decorated entirely in the Saroyan spirit by his original
artwork, posters and books. She gave a general introduction on the biography
and work of William Saroyan showing particularly how the Armenian roots had
inspired him, how the American literature and popular culture had influenced
him and how he finally brought together these two elements in his work. She
illustrated her lecture with splendid and unique images.
Visual artist Krikor Momdjian presented ³Saroyan the painter² as a great
artist. He placed the paintings by Saroyan (a number of which was exhibited)
within the framework of famous painters, among others, Jackson Pollock and
Mark Tobey. He referred to the strength of the abstract expressionism and
oriental penmanship as inspiration sources.
Then Mr. Hans van Leeuwen went particularly on the autobiographical
component in the work of Saroyan using in particular the story ³Rock Wagram²
from 1951 for explanation of his approach.
Mr. Hambartsoem Sahakian recited the Armenian translation of Saroyan¹s story
³The Barber Whose Uncle Had His Head Bitten Off by a Circus Tiger².
Excitement ran high as the chairman of the Short Story Contest jury Prof.
Dr. Jos Weitenberg assisted by the jury member Prof. Dr. Bernard Bichakjian
went to announce the results of the Contest. The other jury members were Ms.
Hasmik and Anahit Tcharents and Prof. Dr. Theo Van Lint. The 22 entries
received were submitted to the jury anonymously. The jury awarded the
stories ³Hrayr² by Anahit Avagyan (in Armenian) on a hidden love and ³Shant,
Life In Diaspora² by Krikor Momdjian (in Dutch), in the words of the jury a
reflection on migration and migrants, with the shared (ex aequo) second and
third price. The first price went to the story ³My Best ?² by Eva Demirci
(in Dutch), which is, according to the jury, a convincing story leading to a
nice ending, in which unuttered, underlying tension on the Armenian Genocide
between young Turkish and Armenian girlfriends living in the Netherlands
finds a satisfactory release and refinement.
Singer Anahit Manoukian, accompanied by Boris Rziankin, interpreted the
songs by Saroyan and from his era, such as the famous song ³Come On - A My
House² and other American songs, followed by a couple of Armenian songs. The
seminar was concluded with a cocktail.
The Abovian Cultural Association thanks all those people from Fresno and
elsewhere who have cooperated with us for the realisation of this seminar.
Our special thanks go to the jury of the Short Story Contest, the lecturers
and artists and those who helped us with collecting material for the
seminar. Last but not least our sincere thanks go to the American Book
Center of The Hague for offering the accommodation and donating the books
for the awards and for the good cooperation during the preparation of this
memorable seminar.
Address: Weesperstraat 91
2574 VS The Hague, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31704490209
Email: info@abovian.nl
Website: www.abovian.nl
Contact: M. Hakhverdian
Press Release
Centennial of William Saroyan¹s birth celebrated in Holland
The Hague, 23 May 2009 ­ If ever there has been an occasion in the
Netherlands to be informed on the particular talent and personality of the
Armenian-American writer William Saroyan, it was on 23 May 2009. To mark the
centenary of the birth of Armenian-American author William Saroyan, the
Abovian Armenian Cultural Association had organised a seminar in the Treehut
of the American Book Center in The Hague.
A complete picture of the remarkable Saroyan was brought forward amid great
public by lectures and audiovisual presentations on the life and work of the
writer. There was an exhibition of his (original) artwork and different
publications of his books (among which 7 in Dutch translations), as well as
live music with songs by Saroyan and from his era.
The event was specially marked by the announcement of the results of the
Short Story Contest launched last year by the Abovian Association on the
occasion of the Saroyan Centennial.
Both recent publications and second-hand books by Saroyan were available at
the seminar and in the American Book Center.
The programme started with a lecture by Ms. Nairi Hakhverdian, before a full
audience in a hall decorated entirely in the Saroyan spirit by his original
artwork, posters and books. She gave a general introduction on the biography
and work of William Saroyan showing particularly how the Armenian roots had
inspired him, how the American literature and popular culture had influenced
him and how he finally brought together these two elements in his work. She
illustrated her lecture with splendid and unique images.
Visual artist Krikor Momdjian presented ³Saroyan the painter² as a great
artist. He placed the paintings by Saroyan (a number of which was exhibited)
within the framework of famous painters, among others, Jackson Pollock and
Mark Tobey. He referred to the strength of the abstract expressionism and
oriental penmanship as inspiration sources.
Then Mr. Hans van Leeuwen went particularly on the autobiographical
component in the work of Saroyan using in particular the story ³Rock Wagram²
from 1951 for explanation of his approach.
Mr. Hambartsoem Sahakian recited the Armenian translation of Saroyan¹s story
³The Barber Whose Uncle Had His Head Bitten Off by a Circus Tiger².
Excitement ran high as the chairman of the Short Story Contest jury Prof.
Dr. Jos Weitenberg assisted by the jury member Prof. Dr. Bernard Bichakjian
went to announce the results of the Contest. The other jury members were Ms.
Hasmik and Anahit Tcharents and Prof. Dr. Theo Van Lint. The 22 entries
received were submitted to the jury anonymously. The jury awarded the
stories ³Hrayr² by Anahit Avagyan (in Armenian) on a hidden love and ³Shant,
Life In Diaspora² by Krikor Momdjian (in Dutch), in the words of the jury a
reflection on migration and migrants, with the shared (ex aequo) second and
third price. The first price went to the story ³My Best ?² by Eva Demirci
(in Dutch), which is, according to the jury, a convincing story leading to a
nice ending, in which unuttered, underlying tension on the Armenian Genocide
between young Turkish and Armenian girlfriends living in the Netherlands
finds a satisfactory release and refinement.
Singer Anahit Manoukian, accompanied by Boris Rziankin, interpreted the
songs by Saroyan and from his era, such as the famous song ³Come On - A My
House² and other American songs, followed by a couple of Armenian songs. The
seminar was concluded with a cocktail.
The Abovian Cultural Association thanks all those people from Fresno and
elsewhere who have cooperated with us for the realisation of this seminar.
Our special thanks go to the jury of the Short Story Contest, the lecturers
and artists and those who helped us with collecting material for the
seminar. Last but not least our sincere thanks go to the American Book
Center of The Hague for offering the accommodation and donating the books
for the awards and for the good cooperation during the preparation of this
memorable seminar.