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Attacked in February, Archbishop Nerses Pozapalyan dies in hospital

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  • Attacked in February, Archbishop Nerses Pozapalyan dies in hospital

    Attacked in February, Archbishop Nerses Pozapalyan dies in hospital
    27.06.2009 17:51 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today Archbishop Nerses Pozapalyan died at his 72nd
    year of life.
    On 18th February of 2009, Archbishop Nerses Pozapalyan was attacked in
    his cell for the purpose of robbery, resulting in severe
    injuries. After the unconscious priest was hospitalized to a medical
    center Nairi, where doctors diagnosed a stroke. Until his last days
    Archbishop Pozapalyan was in the hospital.
    As the information center of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin
    reports, on 29 June at 5.00 p.m the body of the Archbishop will be
    moved to the St.Gayane Church where requiem will be held from 7:00
    p.m. for the priest. Funeral will be held on Tuesday, 30 June at 11.00
    a.m. at the Srbots Nahatakyats church (in the region of Kotayk), which
    was built by the cleric. Then in the courtyard of the Surb Patarag
    Church the body of Nerses Pozapalyan will be commited to the earth.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress