Areximbank to serve ArCa plastic cards
2009-03-13 11:29:00
ArmInfo. Areximbank plans to serve local plastic cards ArCa, Ruben
Khachatryan, Deputy Director General of ArCa told ArmInfo.
He said the exchange of testing channels has been completed and final
communication has been established between ArCa processing center and
the own processing center 'GasCardService'. Software modernization of
ATMs will make it possible for cardholders to pay for communal services
and make card- to-card transfers. He said the bank will offer services
through telecards.
R. Khachatryan said that since 2002 Areximbank has issued over 46,000
plastic cards. Over 12,000 of these cards are active including 10% are
MasterCard and the remaining are Visa cards. The bank joined VISA
International in 2002 and MaterCard in 2005.
The former shareholders of the company closely dealing with Moscow
Impexbank preferred creating own processing center to joining ArCa
national payment system and ArCa processing center. After Gazprombank
assumed control over the bank in late 2007, it has become necessary to
combine the processing centers GazCardServcie and ArCa to serve local
By data of Armenian Card as of Feb 1 2009 the number of active plastic
cards in Armenia is 353114, which is by 46% for than for the same
period of 2008. The share of local cards MasterCard was 12.8%
(45495) and Visa - 29% (102113).
2009-03-13 11:29:00
ArmInfo. Areximbank plans to serve local plastic cards ArCa, Ruben
Khachatryan, Deputy Director General of ArCa told ArmInfo.
He said the exchange of testing channels has been completed and final
communication has been established between ArCa processing center and
the own processing center 'GasCardService'. Software modernization of
ATMs will make it possible for cardholders to pay for communal services
and make card- to-card transfers. He said the bank will offer services
through telecards.
R. Khachatryan said that since 2002 Areximbank has issued over 46,000
plastic cards. Over 12,000 of these cards are active including 10% are
MasterCard and the remaining are Visa cards. The bank joined VISA
International in 2002 and MaterCard in 2005.
The former shareholders of the company closely dealing with Moscow
Impexbank preferred creating own processing center to joining ArCa
national payment system and ArCa processing center. After Gazprombank
assumed control over the bank in late 2007, it has become necessary to
combine the processing centers GazCardServcie and ArCa to serve local
By data of Armenian Card as of Feb 1 2009 the number of active plastic
cards in Armenia is 353114, which is by 46% for than for the same
period of 2008. The share of local cards MasterCard was 12.8%
(45495) and Visa - 29% (102113).