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Were the 1915 deaths of Armenians genocide?

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  • Were the 1915 deaths of Armenians genocide?

    March 22 2009

    Were the 1915 deaths of Armenians genocide?
    Saturday March 21, 2009

    This is the question that's heating up again in the U.S. Congress at a
    sensitive juncture: a new president, the new president's upcoming
    April 6-7 trip to Turkey to attend a forum on relations between the
    West and the Muslim world, and angering Turkey as they stand to play a
    mediator role in Obama's attempt to reach out to Iran. There's a new
    resolution in the House that would call as many as 1.5 million
    Armenian deaths at the hands of the Ottoman Empire starting in 1915
    "genocide." Turkey blames the deaths on civil upheaval toward the end
    and directly after World War I, saying that 300,000 Armenians were
    killed and at least as many Turks. Obama had promised on the campaign
    trail to call the deaths genocide, but few are expecting him to use
    the terminology now with the Turkey visit and relations with Turkey at

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan responded to the legislation's
    introduction in a TV interview Wednesday. From Hurriyet Daily News:

    "Babacan said the Armenian lobby had an influence on the
    U.S. Congress, which is dominated by Democrats, but emphasized that
    unlike in the past, negotiations between Turkey and Armenia were under
    way to normalize ties.

    'The complete normalization of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey ties
    will create a brand-new geopolitical situation in the southern
    Caucasus. A decision or a statement to be made by a third country [on
    the 1915 killings] will cause harm,' he said. 'While we are looking
    into the future from a broader perspective, we believe that any
    interference by a third country is very wrong. We hope that an
    irrational step will not be taken. We are openly speaking with our
    American friends. We hope no wrong steps will be taken.'" 3/21/ m