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Announcement Of The General Prosecutor's Office

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  • Announcement Of The General Prosecutor's Office

    04.11.2009 17:40

    On 25 September, 2009 the President of Armenia signed a decree on
    conducting the autumn conscription for mandatory and alternative
    military service and demobilization during October-December 2009. The
    male citizens who are 18 before the conscription day, as well as the
    citizens under 27, whose right of military deferment has expired,
    will be called up to military service, Press Service of the Prosecutor
    General's Office reports.

    On the criminal cases investigated by the investigators of the
    Armenian Police, initiated on the cases of evasion from conscription
    for mandatory and alternative military service according to the
    Article 327, part 1 of the RA Criminal Code, the accused were under
    persecution and detention was chosen as a pretrial measure.

    The Prosecutor General instructed the prosecutors of regions and
    districts to change immediately the previously chosen means of
    restraint that is detention and stop the search and criminal pursuit
    against those accused persons who would voluntarily come to the
    police station, prosecutor's office or military registration and
    enlistment office during the conscription with an intention to do
    the military service.

    According to the Article 13 of the RA law "On Citizenship of RA", the
    RA double citizenship means a citizenship of another state (states)
    besides the RA citizenship.

    In the Republic of Armenia a citizen with double citizenship is
    considered only an RA citizen. This norm is related also to the
    citizens, who after January 1, 1995 without forfeiting the RA
    citizenship according to the prescribed order, became a citizen or
    got citizenship of another state, as well as to those who unilaterally
    abandoned Armenian citizenship.

    An RA citizen with double citizenship has all rights and carries all
    responsibilities and obligations prescribed to the citizens of the RA.

    The Prosecutor General's Office calls on all conscripts under search
    to get use of the given opportunity, to do their constitutional duty
    for motherland, to give up the status of an accused under search,
    to be proudly called a free citizen and soldier of our motherland.

    We also appeal to the parents of conscripts with a call to support
    their sons in foreign lands, to support them to give up the humiliating
    status of an accused person, to contribute to their further healthy
    physical and psychological upbringing for their sons to have a chance
    to come back and live on their homeland after doing military service.

    The persecution will not be implemented to those citizens who will
    show an intention to leave for alternative service places in order
    to do their duties for the homeland under the order prescribed by
    the RA law "On Alternative Service".

    The RA law "On citizens who did not do the mandatory military service
    with the violation of the prescribed order" also stipulates an order
    of termination of search and persecution of accused. The action
    sphere of the law involves the time period from autumn conscription
    of 1992 till May 1, 2009 and is spread over all those citizens who
    violated the RA law "On compulsory military service" and were not
    called up to military service (evaded the military service) and who
    are 27 (to officers transferred to the reserve are 35) or under 27
    (35) got a deferment or release of military service according to the
    order prescribed by the RA law "On compulsory military service". The
    mentioned persons, after paying the sum of money stipulated by the
    law, will get a decision of the persecution implementing agency the
    on the cease of the persecution within one month, also get a military
    card and registration in the reserve of the military forces.