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Honoring the Strength and Vision Behind One of FAR's Programs

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  • Honoring the Strength and Vision Behind One of FAR's Programs

    Fund for Armenian Relief
    Media Release


    Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR)
    Press Office
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 889-5150; Fax: (212) 889-4849
    email: [email protected]

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    Honoring the Strength and Vision Behind One of FAR's Most Influential
    Programs On September 23 some of the most prominent members of the
    Armenian-American community gathered in New York City to recognize and
    celebrate the impact of the Armenian National Science and Education
    Fund (ANSEF), a program that is changing the face and the future of
    Armenia by giving opportunity to its most valuable resource - its
    people. The evening also honored Armen Avanessians, an
    Armenian-American of outstanding caliber whose vision and dedication
    have helped this program to thrive.

    ANSEF, which is run through the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), helps
    the Armenian intellectual community to grow in the area of science and
    the humanities by awarding scientists and engineers with yearlong
    research grants. The grants not only allow these scientists to stay in
    their own country to pursue research, but they also allow them to be
    at the cutting edge of their field and inspire their countrymen.

    For Mr. Avanessians, ANSEF is not only helping these individuals
    achieve their career goals, it is the key to the success of a
    nation. ANSEF provides a way for scientists and scholars to flourish,
    and as a result their findings will guide their nation toward greater
    prosperity and success.

    Mr. Avanessians is a truly notable Armenian-American in his own
    right. A Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Columbia University
    educated engineer, he is now a partner at Goldman Sachs. His generous
    personal donations have been the backbone of the ANSEF program. In
    2008, he fully funded the ANSEF program and his most recent donation
    of $100,000 enabled FAR to award 25 grants in 2009. Because of his
    generosity the grants were renamed the "2009 Armen Avanessians ANSEF

    Mr. Avanessians worked as a technical staff member at Bell
    Laboratories for a short time after graduating from Columbia with his
    master's degree in 1983. He then joined Goldman Sachs as a foreign
    exchange strategist, later became vice president, then a partner in
    1994. Now, he is director of the firm's Fixed Income, Currency and
    Commodities Strategies, Equity Strategies, Investment Banking and
    Finance Group Strategies, and GSAM Strategies.

    Throughout his career, he has always remained committed to
    education. He is a trustee of Columbia University and he sits on the
    Engineering Councils of Columbia and MIT.

    When Mr. Avanessians first learned about ANSEF, he knew such an effort
    would fit perfectly with his commitment to this cause.

    "Education is the key to the future. It is young people, the junior
    scientists who serve on these research groups funded by ANSEF, who
    will make tomorrow's vital discoveries," he said.

    Mr. Avanessians has always believed strongly that with opportunity for
    education, Armenians will not only be able to improve their own lives,
    but also their nation.

    The discoveries they make through their own opportunities also enrich
    an entire community through learning and knowledge. Continuing to
    strengthen those opportunities through ANSEF is something
    Mr. Avanessians and others believe is the duty of Armenians around the

    Cornell University Astrophysicist Yervant Terzian, who spearheads the
    selection of grantees, paid tribute to Mr. Avanessians during the
    celebration. He also said ANSEF is a key to giving Armenia a brighter

    "There is nothing more important for our happy future than
    education. A peaceful, prosperous, and safe future depends on an
    educated public and an educated workforce, and today a very major part
    of this education has to do with science and technology," he said.

    Dr. Vartan Gregorian, President of Carnegie Corporation of New York
    and one of ANSEF founders, pointed out the importance of education in
    his speech. "An investment in education is requisite to secure
    Armenia's place in the global economy," Mr.

    Gregorian said.

    Just over 200 grants have been awarded since ANSEF's inception in
    2001. Awardees are selected through a blind, peer-reviewed process
    that bucks the former Soviet system when people were rewarded based
    on their connections. Through the yearlong grants, recipients are
    allowed to pursue the research project of their choice. The broad
    range of research topics includes investigations of solar energy,
    biochemistry, the control of tuberculosis and breast cancer, and the
    historical monuments of Northern Artsakh.

    For Mr. Avanessians ANSEF is an investment, one in which every gift
    from donors will impact and bring about a prosperous return that
    future generations of Armenians will reap the benefit of. He believes
    in this program because it doesn't offer a handout. Instead, ANSEF
    gives Armenians the tools they need to tackle new problems and
    challenges to push their country forward, maintain a place on the
    international stage, and succeed. Support from the international
    community - no matter how small - enables this to happen.

    "Armenia still needs the support of the Diaspora. They need our
    encouragement and to know that people out here care about their
    future," Mr. Avanessians said. "They can build up their country
    themselves. They have the brainpower and the knowledge.

    They just need a slight boost to compete in this challenging global

    # # #

    About FAR
    Since its founding in response to the 1988 earthquake, FAR has served
    hundreds of thousands of people through more than 220 relief and
    development programs in Armenia and Karabagh. It has channeled more
    than $265 million in humanitarian assistance by implementing a wide
    range of projects including emergency relief, construction, education,
    medical aid, and economic development.

    For more information on FAR or to send donations, contact us at 630
    Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016; telephone (212) 889-5150; fax (212)
    889-4849; e-mail [email protected]
    [mailto:[email protected]].

    Fund for Armenian Relief | 630 Second Avenue | New York | NY | 10016