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ANKARA: General Convicted For Defamation Of Assassinated Hrant Dink

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  • ANKARA: General Convicted For Defamation Of Assassinated Hrant Dink


    Nov 9 2009

    Brigadier General Karaduman was sentenced to pay 2,000 Turkish Lira
    in compensation for hate speeches against assassinated Armenian
    journalist Hrant Dink.

    Erol ONDEROÄ~^LU [email protected] Istanbul - BÄ°A News Center09
    November 2009, Monday The Bakırköy 4th Court of First Instance in
    Istanbul adjudged Brigadier General Dursun Ali Karaduman from the
    Giresun Gendarmerie Regional Command on the eastern Black Sea Coast
    to pay 2,000 Turkish Lira (approximately â~B¬ 900) in compensation
    for damages for mental anguish. Karaduman had targeted assassinated
    editor-in-chief of the Armenian Agos newspaper Hrant Dink in a poem
    he read out at a soldier's funeral. Furthermore, he was quoted as
    saying at another soldier's funeral, "They even condemn it and raise
    their voices when a traitor is killed".

    The Dink family symbolically set the amount of the compensation to
    1 TL. Yet, in order to be able to hear the case the court raised it
    of 6,000 TL

    "Dink family plans to donate compensation to Nezin Foundation" Lawyer
    of the Dink family Deniz Tuna told bianet that the family partially
    accepted the amount claimed by the court and said that the family
    plans to donate the 2,000 TL decided by the court on 6 November to
    Nesin Foundation to support victims of the flood that hit parts of
    Istanbul in September this year.

    Karaduman allegedly defamed Dink twice after the journalist had been
    assassinated on 19 January 2007. The first time he targeted Dink in
    a speech Karaduman made at a soldier's funeral on 9 April 2007. The
    second time he mentioned Dink's name to his disfavour in a poem he
    read out at another soldier's funeral on 20 June 2007.

    The court found Karaduman guilty of attacking Dink's moral integrity
    on the grounds of his speech and his poem.

    Hate speeches on 2 funerals In his speech in April 2007 Karaduman said,
    "...the ones who panned this games and who was nominated for it must
    have been informed very well that the country and the nation of the
    Turkish Republic is an indivisible whole. Our fight will continue until
    there is not a single terrorist left. Today the American Senate, the
    French Parliament, the English House of Lords and the EU Parliament
    in Brussels have condemned the ones who killed you. They even condemn
    it and raise their voices when a traitor is killed. The immortal
    heroes who shed holy blood, who made this geography our homeland
    and who entrusted it with us; I condemn all the traitors and their
    supporters for you here today".

    In June Karaduman implemented elements of hate into a poem he read
    at the funeral of soldier Kadir Aydın. He complained about the
    "world's indifference" and compared the situation of Aydın, who
    "carried a thoroughly original Turkish name" as Karaduman put it,
    with journalist Hrant Dink.

    A total number of 20 defendants are tried before the 14th High
    Criminal Court in the context of the Dink murder., 8 gendarmerie
    officials of the Trabzon Gendarmerie Command are prosecuted under
    charges of "neglect of duty" because they did not prevent the murder
    despite referring information of the Intelligence Office prior to
    the assassination.