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BAKU: Armenia Has Informally Agreed To Leave Azerbaijan's Occupied L

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  • BAKU: Armenia Has Informally Agreed To Leave Azerbaijan's Occupied L


    Today html
    Nov 9 2009

    Day.Az interview with head of the Turkish delegation to OSCE
    Parliamentary Assembly and member of the Turkish parliament from
    ruling Justice and Development Party Aladdin Buyukkaya.

    Day.Az: The discussions on Turkey's possible mediation in the
    OSCE Minsk Group resumed soon after signing of the Turkey-Armenia
    protocols. How real are Turkey's chances in this respect?

    Aladdin Buyukkaya: I represent Turkey in the leadership of the
    OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and keep a close eye on the Minsk Group
    activities. I am aware of stance of the OSCE leadership and Minsk
    Group member countries regarding Turkey's co-chairmanship.

    They believe that Turkey faces no obstacles in this regard. The
    positive solution of this issue requires consent of the parties to
    the conflict. Azerbaijan has agrees to Turkey's co-chairmanship while
    Armenia refuses. Until recently, Armenia stubbornly resisted this, but
    Armenia's position has softened recently. If OSCE begins discussions
    on this issue, Armenia would not oppose Turkey's co-chairmanship in
    the Minsk Group.

    Q: Can this softening be linked with confidence that Turkey will open
    borders with Armenia?

    A: Turkey has stated that it will fulfill conditions of the protocols
    only after the occupied Azerbaijani territories are liberated. Armenia
    understands very well that Turkey's stance is very firm. In the most
    recent processes Armenia saw that despite the pressure from the United
    States and Europe, Turkey is going to make no concession in the issue
    of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

    On the other hand, the socio-economic condition is deplorable
    in Armenia. If nothing changes, Armenia will lose a lot. Based
    on background information and a general mood that prevails in the
    OSCE and other international organizations, I can say that there are
    certain achievements in resolution of the Karabakh problem. Armenia has
    informally agreed to withdraw from occupied Azerbaijani territories. It
    remains only to officially admit it.

    Q: Then what prevents Armenia to officially admit it?

    A: It depends not only on Armenia since Russia is the key player. If
    Russia wants, the problem will be solved within days. I had frequently
    been to Azerbaijan during active hostilities in Karabakh. Moscow
    clings onto the conflict to maintain presence in the Caucasus.

    According to my observations, Azerbaijan has started to find common
    language with Russia in recent years. Azerbaijan needs to maintain
    friendly dialogue and understanding with Russia. If Azerbaijan agrees
    with Moscow, Russia itself will solve this problem. I am confident
    that Armenia will not be able to stand their pressure.

    Q: How do you assess the stance of the United States and France,
    other Minsk Group co-chairs? Why their activities yield no result?

    A: The United States and France perfectly understand Russia's role
    in this conflict. Therefore, these countries want to take Armenia
    away from Russia's influence. For this reason, they call on Turkey to
    end its embargo against Armenia. Western countries believe that the
    resolution of the problem will become a matter of time once Armenia
    gets out of economic dependence on Russia.

    Q: It is also believed that Armenia will refuse to make compromise
    on the Karabakh issue after Turkey lifts embargo...

    A: It is for this reason that Turkey does not lift embargo. Turkey
    understands that opening of borders and establishment of economic
    relations would revive Armenian economy. After that Armenia, which
    will resolve its economic problems and access the European market via
    Turkey, will not leave a single inch of the Azerbaijani territories.

    However, the U.S. and Europe are seriously concerned about the
    Caucasus following the August events in Georgia. They fear that
    Russia can militarily take control of the entire Caucasus. The only
    road connecting Russia with Armenia ran through Georgia. The road
    was closed after the August events and Armenia got into full blockade.

    Today the U.S. is trying to break through the blockade of Armenia
    with help of Turkey and thus win the trust of Yerevan.

    Q: What do you think Turkey may undertake to facilitate resolution
    of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

    A: Turkey will fight for restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial
    integrity to the end. Azerbaijan should also take real steps. It is
    impossible to achieve a just solution to the conflict waiting for
    help from Turkey and from other third parties. This problem will
    not be solved only by will of co-chairs. We call on our Azerbaijani
    brothers to fight. These lands were taken away by blood.

    We are not saying that the military way is the only solution to the
    conflict. Azerbaijan's increased military power will have a positive
    effect on the process. Azerbaijan must be strong in all spheres,
    as well as to demonstrate its military power to Armenia. I think
    the military men also face great challenges. Azerbaijan may follow
    example Turkey's Armed Forces. Turkey is not at war with its neighbors,
    but neighbors admit and agree with its military might.