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Turkey: Zero problems with minorities?

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  • Turkey: Zero problems with minorities?

    Right Vision News
    November 12, 2009 Thursday

    Turkey: Zero problems with minorities?


    Pakistan, Nov. 12 -- A meeting with the US president in the White
    House, a meeting with the vice president and a formal dinner in his
    honor at the vice presidential residence, a dinner hosted by the
    secretary of state honoring his visit, a lunch in his honor hosted by
    the House of Representatives and Senate leaders at US Capitol and
    conferences organized at Georgetown University and the Brookings
    Institution.All these compliments for a visitor from Turkey to the
    American capital. No, it wasn't President Abdullah Gul or Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an who visited Washington.

    There is no way they would be welcomed like that. In fact, let alone
    the president and prime minister, we haven't seen any Turkish official
    or any other person from Turkey receive as much praise in Washington
    ever before. So what is the name of the Turkish citizen who was deemed
    worthy of this extraordinary protocol and treatment? Bartholomew.
    Those who see him as the religious leader of a small Greek Orthodox
    minority in Turkey and as a counterpart to the district governor of
    Fatih in the line of protocol generally refer to him as the "Greek
    Patriarch at Fener." Those -- including many states around the world
    and especially the US -- who see him as the leading spiritual leader
    of the approximately 300 million Orthodox Christians in the world
    refer to him as "His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch."There is a
    wonderful phrase in Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's works that goes "A person
    who closes his eyes makes it dark for just himself." The respect to
    the Patriarchate and its connections transcended Turkey's borders a
    long time ago, whereas it is belittled, excluded and deprived of due
    attention by some segments of the Turkish state and society. Wouldn't
    it be better if we kept the Patriarchate happy and tried to benefit
    from it to assist Turkey's national interests and especially its image
    promotion, instead of making it upset over frivolous issues and
    creating a pother in the international scene? Which other lobby in
    Turkey, that we hope to get support, or consulting company, which
    costs us millions of dollars, has the power and esteem to get Western
    leaders to respectfully wait hand and foot on them?If we don't take
    offense in spending money and trying to persuade foreign men to work
    in our favor, then why should we take offense in working with the
    leaders and members of minority groups that came from the heart of
    this country? It is known that Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
    supports Turkey's EU membership. I don't think it's very difficult to
    carry this perspective to America as well. We just need to be able to
    overcome antiquated narrow national security considerations and
    socio-psychological obstacles.Religious and ethnic minority issues top
    the list of issues that "we've closed our eyes to" since the Republic
    of Turkey was established. By simply igoring the facts, we thought the
    Kurdish issue would be solved, what we did to Armenians would be
    forgotten, Alevis would stop complaining about discrimination and the
    Greek Orthodox Patriarchate would lose its "ecumenical" status. The
    current democratic initiative that the state and civil society are
    carrying out in the above-mentioned areas constitutes one of the most
    notable steps in terms of reopening Turkey's eyes to the facts and
    rejuvenating its historical wisdom.There is benefit in extending the
    democratic initiative process to include all problematic areas, and
    handling the issues as smaller pieces of the bigger picture. I know
    that there are major responsibilities and burdens on the shoulders of
    the state, which has awakened from many years of sleep, and especially
    President Gul and the Erdo?an government, which are leading this
    process by taking great political risks. But if problems are not
    evaluated as a whole within a conceptual framework and coordinated
    works are not carried out, there could be an erosion of credibility
    both inside and outside the country.Indeed, Turkey is carrying out
    initiatives for the sake of its own national interests and domestic
    peace, not to look cute for others. On the other side, international
    human rights agreements signed by Ankara and the expectations of
    multinational institutions where Turkey is a member cannot be
    overlooked. The initiatives are also a requirement of the
    "value-oriented" realist foreign policy line, which the highest
    authorities proclaim Turkey has adopted. Making peace with its
    minorities will add strength to Turkey's power, reinforce its national
    security and increase its respect and influence in the international
    scene.I think I have developed a better understanding of the minority
    psychology ever since I came to America. For example the killing of 13
    people in a fusillade opened by an American Muslim major against his
    fellow soldiers in Texas on Thursday was perhaps nothing more than an
    unfortunate piece of news for most of those living in Turkey that
    won't have any effect on their daily lives.

    But despite the generally prudent attitudes of the state, media and
    intellectuals, the Muslim minority in America is on pins and needles,
    worried that the incident will incite Islamophobia and push extremists
    in society to carry out hate crimes.Some capitals in the Muslim world
    including Ankara are supporting efforts to fight against Islamophobia
    and that gives us a little sense of comfort. On the other hand, if and
    when Turkey can overcome its minority phobia and address their fair
    complaints its ability to stand for Muslim brothers and
    Turkish-Kurdish kin in the US and Europe will improve.In my opinion,
    "zero problems with minorities" within the context of the democratic
    initiative should be an equally important goal as our "zero problems
    with neighbors" policy. Initiatives being carried out inside and
    outside are supplementary per se. The fruits of the democratic
    initiative will give momentum to Turkish foreign policy's regional and
    global initiatives. Imagine a Turkey that has zero problems with all
    its minorities and majority members that have a minority psychology
    for various reasons. It is that kind of Turkey that would truly be a
    "soft power" or a "smart power." Published by HT Syndication with
    permission from Right Vision News.