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VivaCell-MTS And GNC-Alfa Signed Agreement On Acquisition Of Optical

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  • VivaCell-MTS And GNC-Alfa Signed Agreement On Acquisition Of Optical


    2009-11-17 18:31:00

    ArmInfo. VivaCell-MTS, the subsidiary of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC,
    and GNC-Alfa CJSC signed an agreement that will allow VivaCell-MTS
    building of an own high-speed, fiber-optic backbone network. Under
    this contract, VivaCell-MTS will acquire the optical dark fibers
    in GNC-Alfa's Fiber Optic Cable system laid between Yerevan and
    Armenian-Iranian border.

    The GNC-Alfa's Fiber Optic Network Cable is interconnected to
    Iran's long-distance fiber- optic network and is providing further
    access to the worldwide telecommunications networks. Thanks to
    the agreement VivaCell-MTS will have an independent and reliable
    nationwide network having international access for voice and high
    speed data and Internet services. GNC-Alfa will provide operation
    and maintenance of the acquired fibers. The high-speed, fiber-optic
    network will provide Armenia with high digital communications online
    speeds. Higher education and R&D institutions may use the system
    for educational and research purposes. It has a big potential for
    increasing international collaboration and sharing resources.

    "In Europe and the Western hepisphere optical fiber channels have
    become widespread in the telecom networks and transfom companies to
    cutting-edge technology players. VivaCell- MTS' own fiber optical
    network will provide high-bandwidth access for Armenia. Yerevan and
    major cities will be put directly on line with Middle East, Far East,
    Europe and the rest of the world. The fiber optic network will offer
    new services," said VivaCell-MTS General Manager.

    VivaCell-MTS (K-Telecom CJSC) is the leading Armenian mobile operator,
    providing a wide range of Voice and Data services. Since its launch
    on 1st July 2005, in a short period of time VivaCell-MTS has managed
    to build a nationwide network and a considerable customer base.

    VivaCell-MTS drives the development and offering of innovative mobile
    communications products, services and features in the Armenian mobile
    communications market. For more information, visit
    Mobile TeleSystems OJSC ("MTS") is the largest mobile phone operator
    in Russia and the CIS. Together with its subsidiaries, the Company
    services over 96.68 million subscribers. The regions of Russia, as
    well as Armenia, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan, in
    which MTS and its associates and subsidiaries are licensed to provide
    GSM services, have a total population of more than 230 million. Since
    June 2000, MTS' Level 3 ADRs have been listed on the New York Stock
    Exchange (ticker symbol MBT). Additional information about MTS can
    be found at

    GNC-Alfa is a licensed network services operator in Armenia. Its
    network is based on Fiber-Optic Cable (FOC) infrastructure and
    designed to satisfy growing needs of fixed and mobile operators,
    Internet Service Providers and large enterprises in transport network
    services and high speed Internet. The Southern Segment of our network
    between Yerevan and Armenia-Iran border has been put into operation
    in September 2009. The Network is interconnected with the FOC in Iran
    having access to the worldwide telecommunications networks.

    Construction of the Northern Segment between Yerevan and
    Armenia-Georgia border is in progress. In the North, the Network will
    be interconnected at least with two FOC systems in Georgia providing
    high-capacity transit services via Armenia. Within Armenia, the
    Network will be extended to the main towns of the country. The goal
    of our company is to become a major Fiber Optic Backbone operator
    in Armenia. Our personnel is comprised of qualified telecom experts
    with sophisticated know-how in FO network operations and services
    provision. Additional information about GNC-Alfa can be found at