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Iran rejects proposals of IAEA and G8

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  • Iran rejects proposals of IAEA and G8

    Iran rejects proposals of IAEA and G8
    21.11.2009 11:33 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Iran rejected IAEA's proposal on sending enriched
    uranium abroad for further procession.

    Deputy Foreign Ministers of Russia, US, Great Britain, China, Germany
    and France met Friday in Burssels to discuss Iran's Nuclear Program.
    Diplomats expressed disappointment with the absence of any visible
    progress towards resolving the problem.

    «Iran turned down IAEA's proposals on exporting 70% of low-enriched
    uranium to other states where it would be turned into fuel for a
    Tehran medical research reactor,» said Robert Cooper, Assistant to
    High Representative of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy
    Javier Solana.

    This was followed by IAEA Chair Mohammed El-Baradei's proposal on
    delivering uranium to a third country, particularly Turkey, with which
    Iran maintains friendly ties.

    Later, however, Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki confirmed
    Tehran's positive attitude to IAEA's initiative on fueling Tehran's
    reactor, on condition of exchanging uranium on Iranian territory, AFP