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Leonid Azgaldyan: This is Armenia. And that's all

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  • Leonid Azgaldyan: This is Armenia. And that's all

    Leonid Azgaldyan: This is Armenia. And that's all
    21.11.2009 14:12 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Hero of Karabakh liberation war Leonid Azgaldyan was
    an exceptional personality both in physical and intellectual-moral
    terms, his companion-in-arms Hamik Sayadyan said in Yerevan.

    `Leonid made serious contribution to the development of science in
    Armenia. Besides, he possessed exceptional ability to predict events.
    He was among to feel the need of organizing defense in Armenia and
    Nagorno Karbakh,' Sayadyan stressed. Being a professional servicemen,
    he considered volunteers as the greatest value of independent Armenia,
    he said.

    Gagik Ginosyan, another companion-in-arms, characterized Leonid as
    highly reputable personality both in Armenia and Karabakh. Azeris
    offered 3 million roubles for his head, `The new generation should be
    well-aware and proud of heroes like Leonid. Their image should serve
    as example for future generations,' Gagik Ginosyan stressed, quoting
    the hero's well-known words saying, `This is Armenia, and that's all'