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Euronews: Last chance talks over Karabakh

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  • Euronews: Last chance talks over Karabakh, Armenia
    Nov 22 2009

    Euronews: Last chance talks over Karabakh

    18:45 / 11/22/2009The private meeting between Armenian and Azerbaijani
    Presidents, Serzh Sargsyan and Ilham Aliyev has finished in Munich,
    Germany. Reliable sources report that the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    Foreign Ministers are now holding a meeting with the participation of
    the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen.

    World mass media have provided coverage of the meeting in the context
    of the Azeri leader's strongly worded statements.

    Specifically, the Euronews TV channel entitled its report as `Last
    chance talks over Karabakh'

    The source reports that `the Moscow mediated truce deal signed last
    year between Azerbaijan and Armenia is on the verge of unravelling if
    talks today do not produce a result.'

    Referring to the Azeri leader, Euronews reports that `President Ilham
    Aliyev has already warned his country would be prepared to take the
    region back by force.'

    Yesterday, Sergey Markedonov, expert at the Russian State Humanitarian
    University, commented on the Azeri leader's statement. He said that
    hostilities in the conflict zone may be resumed only if `someone loses
    his rational faculty.' According to him, resuming hostilities in the
    conflict zone will be a unhappy enterprise the Azerbaijani leader is
    unlikely to resort to ` in contrast to his Georgian counterpart,
    Aliyev is a rational politician. `One thing is talking about war, but
    quite another thing is getting corpses,' Markedonov said. He added
    that Aliyev will continue playing with this argument. The expert
    pointed out a balanced situation round Nagorno-Karabakh ` neither the
    West nor Russia is supporting either side. Marekedonov said that
    Aliyev's rhetoric is most likely a mere diplomatic move.