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On the threshold Munich ofAliyev voiced regular militaristic bravad

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  • On the threshold Munich ofAliyev voiced regular militaristic bravad

    On the threshold of the Munich meeting Ilham Aliyev voiced regular
    portion of the militaristic bravado regarding Armenia

    2009-11-22 09:40:00

    ArmInfo. 'In several days my regular meeting with president of Armenia
    will take place. We go to this meeting with our own programme. The
    meeting should play a resolute role in the negotiating process, since
    several meetings took place this year but gave no result', - President
    of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said.

    'If this meeting as well gives no result, in that case our hopes on
    the talks will be exhausted. And if our hope is exhausted, we shall
    have no other way. We must be ready for that', - aliyev said.

    It is already for many times that Aliyev sings his old song about the
    force of the Azerbaijani army which is ready any time to return the
    'occupied territories' by means of force, and it turns out that the
    international norms recognize such a right of Azerbaijan.

    He also said that Nagornyy Karabakh will never be independent as
    Azerbaijan will not agree to that. By the way it is already for 18
    years that Nagornyy Karabakh Republic gained its independence, and it
    does not care about the fact that Azerbaijan does not want to
    recognize its independence.

    'Our compromise is resolving of the conflict in a peaceful way, that's
    all', - he said and added their tolerance has exhausted, Armenia has
    to take actions but not Azerbaijan.

    The Azerbaijani delegation headed by its 'father' is leaving to Munich
    with such a mood to meet President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan tomorrow.
    In this context it is worthy to recall Armenian Deputy Foreign
    Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan's words, voiced several days ago 'that it
    has become a norm that before the meeting of the presidents of Armenia
    and Azerbaijan the Azerbaijani party makes statements which are
    directed to prevention of expectations from the possible progress in
    these meetings'.