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BAKU: EU Can Insist On A Withdrawal Of Armenian Forces From Azerbaij

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  • BAKU: EU Can Insist On A Withdrawal Of Armenian Forces From Azerbaij

    Nov 23 2009

    Borut Grgic News.Az interviews Borut Grgic, founder and director
    of the Institute for Strategic Studies in Brussels and non-resident
    senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

    Don't you think that EU could and must be more active in resolution
    of the Karabagh conflict?

    The EU should start by having a common set of principles that outline
    its position on the frozen conflicts in the South Caucasus - respect
    for territorial integrity and sovereignty are two fundamentals. The
    EU could use the Eastern Partnership track and its dialogue framework
    with Armenia to insist on a withdrawal of forces from Azerbaijan.

    Finally, Europe could help with institution building and peacekeeping
    in NK after a peace deal is reached.

    France as it seems is not quite active as a co-chair of the Minsk
    group. May be it would be more useful to change representative of EU
    in Minsk group?

    Replacing the French co-chair with an EU co-chair is not really
    an option. However, the EU can and probably should insist on more
    coordination between the French co-chair and the EU ministers on
    fine-tuning a common EU position, and use the French co-chair to
    exert greater influence on the Minsk Group process.

    What kind of influence had war in Georgia on settlement of Karabakh

    If anything, the war in Georgia raised the profile of the frozen
    conflicts, and the urgency to find a solution for NK.

    Do you think real new war between Azerbaijan and Armenia in near

    I don't think a war between the two countries is likely, as there is
    too much at stake and once a war is launched, the ability to control
    the outcome decreases exponentially. However, I do think that the
    status quo is equally as damaging, and it is a real set back to
    regional development and integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures.

    There is no common view in EU at Karabakh conflict. Is it common
    problem of EU's foreign policy or something else?

    I think Europe has a common position on NK, but perhaps the vagueness
    of this common position is a reflection of divisions within the EU on
    Europe's relations with Russia, and through that, the region. Some
    states are overly sensitive to Russia's bickering and unwilling to
    engage in the Caucasus-Caspian region for fear of undermining their
    economic relations with Russia. It is possible to say that EU's common
    foreign and security policy is more often than not the expression of
    a compromise between 27 opinions. Thus, it is not realistic to expect
    the same clarity and focus on difficult issues from Europe as you'd
    get from a state.