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The Joy And Appreciation Reflected On The Faces Of Our People Are Su

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  • The Joy And Appreciation Reflected On The Faces Of Our People Are Su

    Appo Jabarian

    Executive Publisher / Managing Editor
    USA Armenian Life Magazine

    On November 26 Thanksgiving Day, Armenia Fund will host a worldwide
    international telethon to reach Armenian and non-Armenian audiences
    across the globe through cable, satellite, and internet networks.

    This 12th annual telethon is the continuation of a tradition that is
    fueled by the unrelenting support and solidarity by Armenia-Artsakh's
    friends everywhere!

    Recently, Appo Jabarian, Executive Publisher and Managing Editor of
    USA Armenian Life Magazine, held an interview with Ara Aghishian,
    the Armenian Fund's Western Region affiliate's President.

    Mr. Aghishian was unanimously elected by the Corporate Board of
    Armenia Fund to the post of Chairman/ President on Thursday, March 26,
    2009. He has been Vice President of the Fund since 2001.

    Below is the text of the interview:

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: Recently several major Armenian-American
    organizations in the Western U.S. have made a joint appeal to their
    members to be in solidarity with the upcoming Armenia Fund Telethon
    '09. How do evaluate that action?

    Ara Aghishian/Armenia Fund:The Joint Appeal signed by the major
    Armenian organizations is a reflection on how united and unified we
    can be when it comes to helping our brothers and sisters in Armenia
    and Artsakh. I view it as a sharing of unity among all sectors of the
    Armenian Community in the Diaspora, to show to the world, once again,
    that we are United and we stand behind our people in the Homeland.

    USA Armenian Life: Why is Shushi the main objective for Armenia Fund's
    '09 Telethon?

    Ara Aghishian: Historically, Shushi was a key City playing important
    civic, cultural, economic, and social role in Artsakh. Today, the
    Board of Trustees of "Hayastan" All Armenian Fund decided that it
    is time to start the rehabilitation and re-structuring/re-building
    this important city, by providing drinking water systems, re-building
    hospitals, schools and other infrastructure necessities.

    USA Armenian Life: Does Shushi Project serve certain long-term economic
    plans for Armenia-Artsakh?

    Ara Aghishian: Shushi project is a long term project, but we have to
    start somewhere. By making Shushi the theme of Telethon "09, we are
    embarking upon a project which, in time, will create significant job
    opportunities and will enhance the lives of the people, which will
    have tremendous positive economic impact overall.

    USA Armenian Life: What's the fundraising target for Armenia Fund's
    '09 Telethon?

    Ara Aghishian: There are no "dollar figure" targets for any
    Telethons, past, present or future. We are hopeful that Armenians
    and non-Armenians will join forces and come together on Thanksgiving
    Day and actively participate by donating whatever they can to this
    year's Telethon.

    I will not accept the "economic crisis" as an excuse to turn our back
    to the people of Armenia and Artsakh. I think if we have continued our
    life styles, continued our travels and extracurricular activities,
    during these "tough economic times", we can certainly donate to
    Armenian Fund during the Telethon of 2009.

    USA Armenian Life: It was learned that there has been a pledge
    from Samvel Karapetyan of Yerevan. Can you please elaborate on that
    impressive donation, and for what purpose/project(s) the proceeds
    are going to be devoted?

    Ara Aghishian: Mr. Samvel Karapetyan has made significant donations
    to Armenia and Artsakh, and he did this year also during the Gala
    recently held in Moscow. The amount of his donation and its purpose
    will be revealed during the Telethon.

    USA Armenian Life: What percent of last year's Western U.S. pledges
    were collected?

    Ara Aghishian: As far as the Western U.S. pledges are concerned,
    I can comfortably say that more than 90% of last years' pledges have
    been collected.

    USA Armenian Life: How would you respond to those who question the
    verifiability of the accounting of the Armenia Fund?

    Ara Aghishian: I welcome those questioning the accounting to either go
    "on line" and access the official filings/Tax Returns of Armenian Fund,
    also review the Annual Financial Report which is also available,
    and the audited report of Grant Thornton is also available as it
    relates to the international accounting of Armenia Fund.

    USA Armenian Life: To what extent was last year's Telethon proceeds
    have impacted the quality of life in Armenia's rural areas and

    Ara Aghishian: When I was in Armenia in May of 2009, this year,
    we visited the projects implemented and completed by Armenia Fund,
    as well as the projects that are still in progress. The conversations
    we had with the people who now have drinking water, gas, new schools,
    hospitals, clinics, were very touching as to how their day-to-day
    lives have improved tremendously through the projects done by Armenia
    Fund. The joy and appreciation reflected on their faces are sufficient
    "moving force" to encourage us to continue this most valuable endeavor,
    to improve the lives of our people in Armenia and Artsakh.