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Hayk Youth And Student Union Calls On National Assembly Of Armenia T

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  • Hayk Youth And Student Union Calls On National Assembly Of Armenia T


    Noyan Tapan
    Nov 27, 2009

    YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 27, NOYAN TAPAN. On November 27, Hayk Youth
    and Student Union of Heritage Party issued a statement, which in
    particular reads:

    "The Azerbaijani leadership's belligerent rhetoric and threats to
    resume the war have become more frequent recently. On the eve of
    the November 22 Munich meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    presidents, Ilham Aliyev stated that in case the meeting fails again
    to produce progress in the Karabakh settlement this time, Azerbaijan
    will resort to settling the conflict by military means. On November
    25, Azerbaijani Defense Minister Safar Abiyev said that Azerbaijan
    sees no other way of settling the conflict than by military means.

    Under these circumstances, we consider it very dangerous that the
    serious challenges that the republics of Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia
    are facing are ignored, and that those statements are deemed as
    propaganda only.

    We, the young members of the Heritage party, considering peace as
    precious value, and realizing that a war would lead to significant
    destruction and loss of lives to the both sides, reject any military
    settlement of the conflict, and condemn the Azerbaijani leadership's
    attempts to provoke a war by engaging its own people in a war
    hysteria. Nevertheless, we think that the best way to prevent a war
    is to be prepared for one. To be ready for a possible resumption of
    the war on the Artsakh front, the two Armenian states and societies
    should initiate adequate extraordinary actions.

    We call on: - The National Assembly to immediately recognize the
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic, setting up conditions for recognizing the
    NKR by the Armenian government at an appropriate time, as well as
    for signing bilateral agreements between the Republic of Armenia and
    the NKR in all fields, including the defense and security fields; -
    The Armenian cabinet to review the 2010 state budget and, at least,
    reinstate defense expenditure of the 2009 budget, as well as increase
    significantly the overall size of loans to the NKR;

    - The Republic of Armenia and NKR defense ministries: 1. Organize
    trainings and exercises among the entire adult population for enhancing
    civil defense combat skills; 2. Develop a functional plan for the
    government-civil society cooperation in war time and present this
    plan to the public;

    - The Armenian Foreign Ministry to send an official note to the
    Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation, that is considered to
    be Armenia's ally and strategic partner in the Collective Security
    Treaty Organization, demanding that any military supplies and
    cooperation under the 2006 and 2008 agreements between Moscow and
    Baku be discontinued immediately".