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ANCA Joined With Armenians Around The World In Opposing The Turkey-A

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  • ANCA Joined With Armenians Around The World In Opposing The Turkey-A


    15.10.2009 14:19 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Less than 24 hours after the signing of the
    controversial Turkey-Armenia Protocols, Turkey's top leaders outlined
    their preconditions to the opening of the Turkey-Armenia border, once
    again connecting the resolution of the Karabagh conflict to Ankara's
    willingness to lift its illegal blockade of Armenia, reported the
    Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

    "Once again, Turkey's leaders have made it abundantly clear, most
    recently in their public pledge to keep their blockade in place until
    Azerbaijan agrees to its lifting, that the Protocols represent simply
    another vehicle for them to impose pressure on Yerevan and secure
    concessions from the Armenian people," stated ANCA Executive Director
    Aram Hamparian. "The Obama Administration, rather than continuing
    to lean on Armenia to accept agreements that threaten her security
    and cast doubt on the Armenian Genocide, should call out Turkey for
    its cynical and transparent manipulation of the Protocols process to
    advance its anti-Armenian policies."

    According to the Wall Street Journal and hundreds of similar reports,
    Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told members of his ruling
    Justice and Development Party on Sunday, "As long as Armenia has not
    withdrawn from Azerbaijani territory that it is occupying, Turkey
    cannot have a positive attitude on this subject [border opening]."

    The ANCA joined with Armenians around the world in opposing
    the Turkey-Armenia Protocols, citing, among other reservations,
    Turkey's efforts to use the document to tilt the Nagorno Karabagh
    negotiations in favor of Azerbaijan, as well as its use of the
    Protocols to establish a "historical commission" which would question
    the historical truth of the Armenian Genocide.

    Upon the signing of the document, ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian
    commented, "President Obama, rather than honoring his pledge to
    recognize the Armenian Genocide, w rection, applying the full force of
    our nation's diplomacy to twist the arm of a landlocked and blockaded
    Armenia - a nation still struggling with the brutal legacy of its
    near-destruction - into accepting a dangerous set of protocols that
    call into question this very crime against humanity."