13:25 19/10/2009
Referring to the Armenian-Turkish normalization protocols, in his
edition in The New Europe Charles Tan said diplomacy may fool the
world or change the Caucasus.
Experts hope the normalization of the relations between Armenia and
Turkey may pull Azerbaijan into making even graver suggestions over
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
'Azerbaijani authorities are well aware now that any concessions made
over Karabakh will mark Armenia's diplomatic victory over Turkey: open
the border and reinforce Armenia's independence. The clamor against
Armenia-Turkey normalization arisen by Azerbaijan aims at enraging
its western neighbor - Turkey, the approval of which is to be of
vitalsignificance since Azerbaijan is hoping for a wider integration
into the Euro-Atlantic security and economic institutions," the author
says, highlighting that Armenia is going to as much benefit from the
agreement as Turkey.
"Turkey still has a long way to take before it can convince the EU
over its readiness to join the institution," Tan concludes.
13:25 19/10/2009
Referring to the Armenian-Turkish normalization protocols, in his
edition in The New Europe Charles Tan said diplomacy may fool the
world or change the Caucasus.
Experts hope the normalization of the relations between Armenia and
Turkey may pull Azerbaijan into making even graver suggestions over
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
'Azerbaijani authorities are well aware now that any concessions made
over Karabakh will mark Armenia's diplomatic victory over Turkey: open
the border and reinforce Armenia's independence. The clamor against
Armenia-Turkey normalization arisen by Azerbaijan aims at enraging
its western neighbor - Turkey, the approval of which is to be of
vitalsignificance since Azerbaijan is hoping for a wider integration
into the Euro-Atlantic security and economic institutions," the author
says, highlighting that Armenia is going to as much benefit from the
agreement as Turkey.
"Turkey still has a long way to take before it can convince the EU
over its readiness to join the institution," Tan concludes.