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Hill Climbers: Loving The Committees

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  • Hill Climbers: Loving The Committees

    By Kristin Coyner

    Roll Call /39700-1.html
    Oct 21 2009

    Loving the Committees. Reputation can go a long way on the Hill, but
    so can a Member's committee assignments. Two staffers in the office
    of Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Calif.) said it was those things -- reputation
    and committee assignments -- that attracted them to work for Matsui.

    In September, Rob Mosher, 35, was hired as legislative director.

    Mosher is a veteran of the Hill and the policy world, and he comes
    with a firm grasp on how Congress works.

    "The Congresswoman and her office have a stellar reputation," Mosher
    said. "The combination of her unique position as a member of the
    California delegation, and her committee assignments -- Energy and
    Commerce and Rules -- also spurred my interest in the office."

    A native of Ann Arbor, Mich., Mosher came to Matsui's office from
    a job as a legislative director for Rep. Steve Kagen (D-Wis.). But
    Mosher's experience on the Hill precedes his time in Kagen's office.

    A 1996 graduate of Miami University with a degree in political
    science, Mosher began working on the Hill before finishing up
    graduate school. While working toward a master's in public policy and
    administration at Baylor University, Mosher jumped at the opportunity
    to intern with then-Sen. John Glenn (D-Ohio). After earning a master's
    from Baylor, Mosher was hired as Glenn's legislative correspondent.

    Although Mosher only worked for Glenn for a year, his time with the
    Senator still stands out as memorable.

    Tom Williams/Roll Call

    Legislative Director Rob Mosher (left) and Staff Assistant Ryan McCabe
    have joined the office of Rep. Doris Matsui.

    "Sen. Glenn met with my mother for more than half an hour," Mosher
    said. "It said a lot about him as a person and a public official."

    After Glenn left Capitol Hill, Mosher transitioned to the House side.

    In 1999, Mosher began a yearlong stint as a legislative assistant with
    then-Rep. Bob Wise (D-W.Va.). In 2000, Mosher moved to then-Rep. Max
    Sandlin's (D-Texas) office for another year as a legislative assistant.

    But Mosher was not done moving yet. From 2001 to 2003, he worked for
    Rep. James Langevin (D-R.I.) in a legislative capacity.

    But after five years of shuffling from office to office, Mosher decided
    to make a career change. In 2003, Mosher began work as the director
    of government affairs for the U.S.-Armenia Public Affairs Committee,
    an advocacy organization. Mosher spent four years working for the
    Armenian-American community there, an experience that he called
    "very rewarding" because he is of Armenian descent.

    When the Democrats retook the majority in 2007, Mosher decided he
    wanted to get back into the political action, which he was able to
    do in becoming Kagen's legislative director.

    Mosher's inability to stay away from politics makes sense when you
    understand his family. His mother, Natalie Mosher, is currently
    running for Congress in Michigan's 11th district.

    "My mom is a former county commissioner and has always been very
    interested in public policy," Mosher said. "I think the thing that
    really made up her mind to run was working as an Obama volunteer
    last year."

    Also new to the Matsui office is Ryan McCabe, who was hired in
    July as a staff assistant. Before taking on the job, McCabe, 24,
    simultaneously worked two internships on the Hill this spring and
    summer -- one with Rep. Dina Titus (D-Nev.) and the other with Matsui.

    He attributes his working as an intern to landing a job with Matsui:
    "I wouldn't have gotten the position had I not been offered the
    internship first."

    Like Mosher, McCabe also said Matsui's committee assignments were
    part of the reason that he wanted to work for the Golden State Member.

    "Working for a Member who puts in so much time and cares so much about
    the important issues is incredibly motivating," McCabe said. "A lot of
    the domestic and environmental legislation I find myself interested
    in comes before Energy and Commerce, so it is exciting to be around
    people who work so closely on these issues."

    McCabe brings political experience from outside of the Hill to the
    Matsui office. In the 2008 election cycle, he served as a political
    assistant at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

    And immediately after graduating from Princeton University in 2007,
    McCabe tried his hand at presidential politics, working in several
    different positions with the presidential campaign of ex-Sen. John
    Edwards (D-N.C.).

    Now, as much as McCabe finds being in the policy mix rewarding, he
    gave the honor of his most memorable experience on the Hill to an
    anonymous Member.

    "Shortly after I was hired as staff assistant, I shadowed one of our
    interns [as she gave] her first tour," McCabe said. "At the same time
    we entered the Old Senate Chamber, a Member with a very large tour
    came in. The Member proceeded to yell at my intern to quiet down."

    A native of Silver Spring, Md., McCabe said he has wanted to work on
    the Hill because "it's home." For the past 20 years, McCabe has lived
    on and off in the Washington area. It should come as no surprise that
    his favorite teams include the Redskins, the Nationals and the Wizards.

    What does come as a surprise is McCabe's love for another Washington
    institution: the Metro.

    "I think it's very intuitive," he said. "I know what it's like having
    to drive in the area. I enjoy not having a car." Off the Hill,
    McCabe is a dedicated swimmer and works out every morning in the
    pool. A former Princeton swimmer, McCabe said he is looking forward
    to expanding his swimming repertoire.

    "My roommate and I just signed up for a Chesapeake Bay open-water
    swim," McCabe said. "I am really out of shape right now so I won't
    be swimming across the whole bay, though."