17:34 23/09/2009
A story called "Hidden Armenians' problem in Azerbaijan" is published
by Azerbaijani "Yeni Cag" informative-analytical agency.
It has been surprise for Azeri to reveal that "yet elder Heidar Aliev
talked about 30 thousand Armenians living in Baku, and that many of
them work in state institutions and rule offices of great importance.
Hence, we've taken the initiative to investigate what state positions
those "hidden Armenians" have assumed.
According to our trustworthy sources, high ranking officials in
Azerbaijan's Government having Armenian roots work. To tell more,
excluding National Security Ministry, Armenians are found in all other
ministries, which is a serious threat for our nation. According to
our calculations there are 12 Armenian deputies in mejlis but if we
calculate those who have Armenians spouses then the figure is tripled,"
the author of the story tells.
The "tolerance" of Azerbaijan's society is expressed with the brightest
colors in his conclusions which the reporter concludes at the end. "You
would ask why to investigate and reveal that? Today strange things
happen in Azerbaijan and the authorities give such responses that
you think whether Armenians have nothing to do with it?"
To conclude Azerbaijani suffer strengthening of fall paranoia searching
and investigating for "Armenian traps" in all world cataclysms,
which is going to be under our consistent control.
17:34 23/09/2009
A story called "Hidden Armenians' problem in Azerbaijan" is published
by Azerbaijani "Yeni Cag" informative-analytical agency.
It has been surprise for Azeri to reveal that "yet elder Heidar Aliev
talked about 30 thousand Armenians living in Baku, and that many of
them work in state institutions and rule offices of great importance.
Hence, we've taken the initiative to investigate what state positions
those "hidden Armenians" have assumed.
According to our trustworthy sources, high ranking officials in
Azerbaijan's Government having Armenian roots work. To tell more,
excluding National Security Ministry, Armenians are found in all other
ministries, which is a serious threat for our nation. According to
our calculations there are 12 Armenian deputies in mejlis but if we
calculate those who have Armenians spouses then the figure is tripled,"
the author of the story tells.
The "tolerance" of Azerbaijan's society is expressed with the brightest
colors in his conclusions which the reporter concludes at the end. "You
would ask why to investigate and reveal that? Today strange things
happen in Azerbaijan and the authorities give such responses that
you think whether Armenians have nothing to do with it?"
To conclude Azerbaijani suffer strengthening of fall paranoia searching
and investigating for "Armenian traps" in all world cataclysms,
which is going to be under our consistent control.