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Who's Paying Schmidt Lawyers?

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  • Who's Paying Schmidt Lawyers?

    Aug 2 2010

    Complaint claims illegal free help

    Rep. Jean Schmidt isn't Turkish, and there aren't many Turks in her
    southern Ohio district, but the Miami Township Republican is deeply
    invested in a legal battle stemming from the Turkish denial of the
    Armenian genocide.

    And that battle could land her in a heap of trouble.

    At issue is whether Schmidt accepted what foes estimate to be at least
    $200,000 worth of free representation from a Turkish legal group so
    she could file two cases against former opponent David Krikorian,
    who is of Armenian descent.

    Schmidt spokesman Bruce Pfaff told The Enquirer that the Schmidt
    campaign hired the Turkish American Legal Defense Fund to represent
    her in both cases against Krikorian. Pfaff said she is in the process
    of setting up a legal expense fund to pay the organization's fees.

    Krikorian, who ran unsuccessfully as an independent in 2008 and as a
    Democrat in this year's primary, has filed a complaint over this issue
    with the Office of Congressional Ethics, which forwards complaints
    of merit to the official House ethics committee for further action.

    Investigations aren't typically made public unless a sanction is made.

    Krikorian's complaint is dated July 13.

    He alleges that Schmidt, or her campaign, accepted free legal services
    from TALDF, which would be a violation of campaign finance laws or
    House gift rules, or both.

    If it turns out she violated campaign finance laws or House rules,
    she could face a fine, a reprimand, or much more - such as an ethics

    Haven't gotten the bill yet Since her first case filed with the Ohio
    Elections Commission in May 2009, Schmidt's campaign finance reports
    have not indicated any payment or debt for legal services, or any
    in-kind gifts from TALDF for the work. A separate lawsuit was filed
    against Krikorian this past June. Again, no payments were listed in her
    latest campaign finance report, which covers activity until June 30.

    Schmidt spokesman Pfaff said that's because the cases are still going
    on. He turned down a request to speak to the congresswoman directly.

    "I don't believe that there has been a bill for their services to
    this point," he said, adding that the lawyers are waiting for the
    legal expense fund to be set up before submitting a bill.

    But statements made under oath in August 2009 by Bruce Fein, who
    handles cases for TALDF and is representing Schmidt, and former
    Schmidt chief of staff Barry Bennett seem to contradict this. They
    suggest the TALDF would pay the legal bills for Schmidt's case.

    When asked whether TALDF had charged the Schmidt campaign any money
    for representation, Fein said: "The answer is no. We stated that we
    would do this and we would not charge them legal fees."

    Krikorian's lawyer asked Bennett, "And there's no ethics issue
    associated with Turkish American Legal Defense Funds paying for Ms.

    Schmidt's legal fees?"

    Bennett replied: "No, not that I'm aware of."

    These statements were made in depositions taken for the Ohio Elections
    Commission case. They were submitted to the Office of Congressional
    Ethics as part of Krikorian's request for a formal investigation.

    'We have not paid them' So the question becomes: Were Schmidt's
    lawyers paid, and if so, by whom?

    Pfaff said he didn't know the answer. "We have not paid them," he said.

    Schmidt has been represented by three lawyers: Fein and David Salzman,
    both of Fein & Salzman in Washington, who are also listed as contacts
    on the TALDF Web site; and Donald C. Brey of Chester, Willcox &
    Saxbe in Columbus.

    The Enquirer reached Fein by phone to ask whether Schmidt had paid
    Fein & Salzman. He said, "I've stated all that I'm going to say on
    the record," before hanging up.

    Brey did not return phone and e-mail messages seeking comment.

    According to the Federal Election Commission, as long as no bills
    have been submitted or paid, then no laws have been violated. Schmidt
    would be required to report the cost of the legal services when the
    bill is received, listed either as a debt or paid for by campaign
    funds or a legal expense fund.

    Pfaff has said in previous news reports that the lawyers spent more
    than 200 hours on the case. There were travel fees involved for them
    as well as a witness, court reporting fees and other costs. He declined
    to estimate the total cost.

    In his complaint, Krikorian guessed that the total cost could
    range from $200,000 to $500,000, which would exceed what Schmidt's
    congressional office or campaign is legally allowed to accept.

    Christopher P. Finney, a Cincinnati lawyer who is representing
    Krikorian, said he finds it highly unlikely, not to mention extremely
    unusual, that any law firm would go 15 months without submitting a
    bill, especially when the costs are that high.

    Pfaff said Schmidt's office has been in touch with the House Committee
    on Standards of Official Conduct, commonly referred to as the House
    ethics committee, since the "very beginning." When asked for a specific
    date, he said, "conversations," and a request for an advisory opinion
    from the committee, occurred in September 2009.

    A long feud Schmidt's first case was filed in May 2009, and Pfaff
    said there was a delay in formally communicating with the committee
    because it took several months to figure out how to proceed.

    He said the committee responded in writing in February. He declined to
    release the committee's letter because it's protected by "congressional
    privilege" and could be used in Schmidt's pending case against
    Krikorian. The Enquirer turned down an offer to view the document
    unless it could report on what it said.

    "I want people to recognize that David Krikorian is willing to say or
    do anything to attack the congresswoman with little or no proof. He
    has no understanding of how long it takes to get things through the
    House committee here, and he has no understanding of what discussions
    we've had with the House committee on this matter," he added.

    Schmidt's legal battles with Krikorian go back to the 2008 election.

    In a complaint filed with the Ohio Elections Commission in May 2009,
    she alleged that Krikorian had made false and damaging statements
    on his campaign website when he said she took "blood money" to deny
    the Armenian genocide, in which more than a million Armenians were
    killed by Turks at the end of World War I. The Turkish government
    says there were massacres on both sides in the conflict as the Ottoman
    Empire collapsed.

    For the record, Schmidt said she does not believe that the events of
    1915 constitute a genocide. Regardless, she argued before the OEC that
    the campaign donations she received from Turkish sources came from
    American donors and not the Turkish government, which would be illegal.

    The OEC ruled in her favor in October, issuing a written reprimand
    to Krikorian for making false statements.

    Then this June, Schmidt filed a lawsuit against Krikorian in Clermont
    County Common Pleas Court seeking $6.8 million in compensatory and
    punitive damages, alleging that Krikorian had again accused her of
    taking "blood money" from the Turks.

    Schmidt has long been a darling of the Turkish community.

    In May 2009, right after filing the Ohio Elections Commission complaint
    against Krikorian, she traveled to Turkey, courtesy of the Turkish
    Coalition of America. The following month, an editorial she wrote
    was published in Today's Zaman, a Turkish newspaper.

    In Congress, she has praised the founding of Turkey on the House
    floor, opposed legislation recognizing the Armenian genocide, and
    joined the Caucus on U.S.-Turkish Relations. She has also marched
    as grand marshal in a Turkish Day Parade, lunched with a group of
    Turks at Cafe Istanbul in Newport, and raised thousands in campaign
    contributions from Turkish Americans.

    According to the last census, there are just 3,159 Turks in Ohio,
    including 297 in the 2nd Congressional District.

    From: A. Papazian