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Lawyers From England, Ireland, Turkey And U.S Tackle Armenian Genoci

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  • Lawyers From England, Ireland, Turkey And U.S Tackle Armenian Genoci



    Armenian Genocide

    According to the press release of the International Institute for
    Genocide and Human Rights Studies issued February 9, the University of
    St. Thomas School of Law, as part of its "unique mission of integrating
    faith and reason in the search for truth through a focus on morality
    and social justice," co-organized an international conference, in
    partnership with the International Institute for Genocide and Human
    Rights Studies (A Division of the Zoryan Institute), to examine "The
    Armenian Genocide within the Framework of National and International
    Law." The conference took place on February 5th, 2010 in Minneapolis,
    in conjunction with the Cafesjian Family Foundation and the Ohanessian
    Endowment Fund for Justice and Peace Studies of the Minneapolis

    John M. Sandy, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Law and Public Policy
    of the University of St. Thomas, stated, "When I first heard about the
    Armenian Genocide from a fellow passenger on a flight to Los Angeles,
    and learned the enormity of it, I was shocked that I had not come
    across this major historical event in my education up to that time. I
    embarked on research on this subject, and the more I learned, the
    more astonished I became that this was not taught as part of American
    history in WWI, and the more I felt there was a great deal still to
    be researched, especially from a legal perspective. Thus, the idea
    of holding a conference for the purpose of preparing a special issue
    of the university's Journal of Law and Public Policy came to be."

    Prof. Robert J. Delahunty of the Law School, who served as moderator,
    reaffirmed the university's position that the conference proceeds from
    the understanding that the Armenian Genocide is an established fact.

    One of the reasons for this position is that the International
    Association of Genocide Scholars, the world's foremost body of
    researchers in the field of genocide studies, has unanimously affirmed
    that "it is indisputable that the Armenian Genocide is proven history."

    Mark L. Movsesian, Professor of Contract Law at St. John's University,
    described how the reform movement (Tanzimat) intended to provide
    equality for the non-Muslim minorities in the Ottoman Empire in the
    19th century, failed. This was because the ruling elite and society
    at large could not accept it. The resentment was twofold, a) the
    reforms broke the covenant between the superior protector group,
    Muslims, and the subservient, protected groups, non-Muslim; and b)
    they felt the reforms were imposed by the European Powers and were
    considered outside interference. This helped make the mass violence
    of the Hamidian massacres possible, in which some 200,000 Armenians
    were killed. It can also be seen as a precursor to the Genocide,
    because the mass killings went unpunished.

    Prof. Vahakn N. Dadrian, Director of Genocide Research at the Zoryan
    Institute, an expert in history and international law, described
    the significance of the Allied Powers' declaration on May 24, 1915
    that they would hold personally responsible for "these new crimes of
    Turkey against humanity and civilization." This set a precedent in the
    development of international law on crimes against humanity. He then
    described how the national law of the Ottoman Empire, particularly
    the Military Tribunals, dealt with the Armenian mass killings by
    prosecuting those crimes immediately after WWI.

    William A. Schabas, Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at
    the National University of Ireland, Galway, and currently President
    of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, addressed
    the subject of "The Retroactive Applicability of the UN Genocide
    Convention to the Armenian Genocide." He affirmed that what happened
    to the Armenians in 1915 can properly be termed genocide, and that the
    actions of the Ottoman Government constituted the crime of genocide.

    Prosecution for this crime under the UN Genocide Convention is
    not likely, however, as there are no longer individuals alive to
    prosecute. However, given that the Turkish State is the inheritor
    of the Ottoman Empire, it could be possible to prosecute the Turkish
    State for crimes against humanity.

    Geoffrey Robertson, QC, one of Britain's leading human rights lawyers,
    submitted a video recording of his speech, "Politics, Government, and
    the Armenian Genocide in the United Kingdom." Robertson discussed in
    particular his expose of how the British Foreign Office suppressed
    information and misled Parliament on the truth of the Armenian
    Genocide, affecting British foreign policy greatly and resulting in
    Britain's stance of not recognizing the Genocide, but merely calling it
    a tragedy. This position is at odds with the position of the British
    government at the time of the Armenian Genocide, when they called
    it a crime against humanity and civilization. Robertson's research
    into this discrepancy shows that the current position of the British
    government is driven by political and commercial interests.

    Eren Keskin, an award-winning Turkish human rights attorney,
    participated by telephone from Turkey. She spoke forcefully about the
    Armenian Genocide and the importance of Turkey's apologizing for it.

    She explained the militaristic foundation of the Turkish Republic,
    the continuity of the military mindset of 1915 and that of the Turkish
    State today. This militaristic mindset causes the Turkish state to
    suppress dissent and punish what it considers insults to Turkishness.

    Ms. Keskin spoke movingly about the threats and abuse she has endured
    personally as an advocate for human rights in Turkey.

    Mark C. Fleming is a partner in the Boston office of Wilmer Cutler
    Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP. He prepared an amicus curiae brief on the
    appeal in the Griswold v. Driscoll case, in which the Massachusetts
    Board of Education was being sued, based on the First Amendment, to
    allow "contra-genocide" materials on a list of suggested educational
    resources for teaching the Armenian Genocide. Initially the case was
    dismissed and Massachusetts was free to list the resources of its
    choosing, but the case is now under appeal.

    Roger W. Smith, Professor Emeritus of Government at the College of
    William and Mary, spoke on the legal and philosophical aspects of laws
    penalizing genocide denial. While genocide denial is dangerous and
    continues the victimization of the target group, he said, preventing
    free speech in such cases has its own, serious, negative consequences.

    Ziya Meral, a Turkish researcher, writer, and PhD candidate in
    Political Science at Cambridge University, as discussant for the
    conference, masterfully commented on numerous issues that were raised
    by the other speakers. He spoke about the need for the people of Turkey
    to accept the reality of the Armenian Genocide and said that only
    Turkish society have the power to change Turkey's policy of denial.

    The papers from this conference will be published in the summer issue
    of the university's Journal of Law and Public Policy. Through this
    publication, it is hoped that awareness among policymakers will be
    raised to strengthen the legal framework, so that all cases of genocide
    are treated with justice and that politics or economic interest do
    not obstruct the application of the law nationally or internationally.

    The International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies
    (A Division of the Zoryan Institute) is dedicated to the study and
    dissemination of knowledge regarding the phenomenon of genocide in
    all of its aspects to create an awareness of it as an ongoing scourge
    and promote the necessity of preventing it.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress