Haykakan Zhamanak , Armenia
Feb 24 2010
They might appear in the court
Yesterday, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia issued
a verdict which proves that when investigating the A1+ [private TV]
case in 2008, the civil and administrative house of the Appeal Court
applied an anti-constitutional and illegal clause.
Thus, the verdict of the European Court of Justice [ECJ] came into
effect in September 2008, which says that the 2003 and 2004 verdicts
of the Armenian court have trampled the rights of the channel.
Based on the ECJ verdict, A1+ filed an application at Armenia's Appeal
Court, demanding that the verdicts be cancelled. Nonetheless, the
Appeal Court refused to cancel the verdict in February 2009 based on
Article 204.2 of the Constitution, which was found anti-Constitutional
back in 2008. This is the case in yesterday's [23 February] minutes of
the Constitutional Court.
It seems that the head of the Appeal Court, A. Mkrtumyan, the head of
the civil and administrative house of the Appeal Court, S. Sargsyan,
and the nine judges of the house can appear at the criminal court for
issuing an obvious unfair judicial verdict.
Feb 24 2010
They might appear in the court
Yesterday, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia issued
a verdict which proves that when investigating the A1+ [private TV]
case in 2008, the civil and administrative house of the Appeal Court
applied an anti-constitutional and illegal clause.
Thus, the verdict of the European Court of Justice [ECJ] came into
effect in September 2008, which says that the 2003 and 2004 verdicts
of the Armenian court have trampled the rights of the channel.
Based on the ECJ verdict, A1+ filed an application at Armenia's Appeal
Court, demanding that the verdicts be cancelled. Nonetheless, the
Appeal Court refused to cancel the verdict in February 2009 based on
Article 204.2 of the Constitution, which was found anti-Constitutional
back in 2008. This is the case in yesterday's [23 February] minutes of
the Constitutional Court.
It seems that the head of the Appeal Court, A. Mkrtumyan, the head of
the civil and administrative house of the Appeal Court, S. Sargsyan,
and the nine judges of the house can appear at the criminal court for
issuing an obvious unfair judicial verdict.