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Innovation Policy Is The Driving Force Of Ameriabank's Development

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  • Innovation Policy Is The Driving Force Of Ameriabank's Development


    12/01/2010 17:06

    Interview of Arthur Hambardzumian, head of Ameriabank's Innovation
    and Quality Department, to ARKA news agency

    ARKA: Some of Armenian banks offer Internet banking services to their
    clients. What has made Ameriabank offer this service too?

    Arthur Hambardzumian - There are two major factors that have made us
    introduce on-line banking technologies, including Internet banking.

    One is the quick development of information technologies and Internet's
    penetration into new areas of banking activity, forcing them to work
    harder in order to comply with the spirit of the time and provide their
    clients with new tools to manage their bank accounts from any corner of
    the world. The second factor is that Internet banking helps our clients
    to reduce significantly their transport and other expenses, saving them
    also from visiting their banks. Internet banking reduces concurrently
    the primary cost of many banking products, as a result banks have to
    reduce the cost of their service as they do not need larger personnel
    to provide the so-called classical banking services. In the long run,
    banks benefit from introduction of innovation technologies and so do
    their clients.

    Regarding Ameriabank, our strategy is to offer our clients a
    comprehensive package of services, including distance services,
    such as Internet banking.

    ARKA: - Could you specify the content of Internet banking services?

    Arthur Hambardzumian - The priority task is to shift from the so-called
    classical way of offering main banking services to distance services,
    which allow customers to manage their accounts without visiting
    banks. Online banking system enables our customers to receive
    information about the balance on their bank account and its movement,
    make local and international remittances, convert foreign currencies,
    pay utility fees, credit interests, receive information about deposits
    and bank cards as well as send and receive protected messages,
    get information about currency exchange rates and other concomitant
    information. Having in mind that Internet banking is a new service
    in Armenia we are collecting all the offers and proposals of our
    clients to have them in mind while upgrading and revising Internet
    banking in order to ensure a most convenient and effective service
    to our clients via Internet.

    ARKA: What are the main advantages of Internet banking and whether
    this system is well protected?

    Arthur Hambardzumian - As I have said above, Internet banking is a new
    technology at the Armenian market and our customers are just getting
    used to it. This makes security issues a priority. To ensure safe
    authentication and identification we use the so-called token devices
    generating one time keys used by clients to confirm their messages
    and transactions. Armenian banks use the tokens devised by Digipass
    and VASCO Data Security. On the other hand to ensure confidentiality
    and security we use SSL 128 bit key encoding system which is the
    most protected version of information exchange system. Besides,
    the web browsers used to offer Internet banking services have been
    certified by VeriSign. Ameriabank has undertaken all possible measures
    to protect its clients and the bank against unsanctioned access and
    other threats. The system is safe and reliable.

    Another important aspect of our activity is the price policy allowing
    the clients to choose one of several options. For example, if an
    individual client wants to receive only information without performing
    transactions, i.e. to view only his accounts, to get information
    about the deposits and balances, the service is free. For clients
    wishing to perform transactions via Internet banking system, there are
    competitive prices. We are planning to develop privileged prices for
    all major banking operations performed via Intenret, which we think
    will become another factor to prompt expansion of Internet banking.

    ARKA: When was this service introduced and did it help Ameriabank
    attract new customers?

    Arthur Hambardzumian - The service was introduced in 2009 October,
    however, we do not look at it as a main factor that can help us
    attract new clients. It is only part of the package of services and
    is a technology service rather than a banking service. Therefore, the
    system targets in the first place our current customers to provide them
    with an opportunity to get higher quality services. The availability
    of distance services helps us win new clients. But here we are facing
    a common problem -Armenians are quite conservative in what is related
    to new banking services preferring classical face-to-face servicing,
    which inspires them with confidence that the transaction will be
    performed normally and in time. But the statistics shows that the
    clients are quite quick to get used to new technologies.

    ARKA: What segment of your clients tends to shifting to Internet
    banking service?

    Arthur Hambardzumian - We offer Internet banking service to both
    individual and corporate clients. Most of our corporate clients still
    use still usual bank-client system but we are working with them to
    help them shift gradually to Internet banking system. I think some
    time later all companies will pass to Internet-based technologies.

    ARKA: -What kind of new services does Ameribank plan to launch in 2010?

    Arthur Hambardzumian - We are completing the preparatory work for
    launching a set of new services in early 2010. I would like to
    single out structural products, particularly, a structural deposit
    that will allow our clients to make profits at financial markets by
    making transactions on gold and oil with guaranteed safety of their
    investments. Besides, we are planning to introduce cash management
    service for holdings, which need to manage their flows and have
    consolidated balances on all accounts. We have also completed the
    work for development of a service designed for opening and managing
    so-called metallic accounts, particularly, on gold. There are, however,
    some points that need to be reconciled. Technically, we are ready
    but there are still some legislative problems which do not allow us
    to work more actively in this direction.

    ARKA: Ameriabank positions itself as a structure, which is not only
    open to innovations, bit is seeking to take the lead, and challenge
    its competitors. Could you cite examples to illustrate this?

    Arthur Hambardzumian - There are many examples which confirm our
    innovation policy, but we regard innovations in a broader spectrum -
    not only as services but also technologies, management systems and a
    new approach of how to work with our clients. I would like to mention
    insurance of our individual clients' deposits by Rosgostrakh-Armenia
    insurance company, started in early 2009. Ameriabank also launched a
    major project last year designed to help develop renewable energy. The
    bank also started a small and medium businesses financing project
    on very profitable terms. Under this project our clients have
    the possibility to have their interest rates cut within the first
    three years of maturity period. We also introduced pension schemes,
    projects and services for assets management and a full spectrum of
    investment-banking services. Regarding new technologies, we introduced
    a more effective server and network equipment which allow to ensure a
    most efficient and reliable operation. We also introduced CRM system
    allowing us to use the most latest achievements and technologies in
    organizing our work with clients and improving the quality of our
    services. And eventually, we work constantly to improve the management
    system in line with ISO 9001:2008, that was certified in April by a
    German TUV Rhеil and Group certification.

    ARKA: Will Ameriabank keep to its ambitious innovation policy this

    Arthur Hambardzumian -Ameriabank will go on with its innovation policy
    because innovation is a key factor to our success allowing us to win
    steady positions at the market. The bank plans to introduce a number
    of new services and technologies in 2010 but our ambitious plans are
    sometimes held back by legislative restrictions. However, we hope that
    as a result of discussion of our initiatives with regulatory bodies,
    appropriate legislative and regulatory acts will be passed to allow
    us to quickly implement all our ambitious plans and offer our clients
    new services which are not yet accessible at the local market.

    ARKA: Is there a big demand for innovation technologies in Armenia?

    Arthur Hambardzumian - There are two approaches to innovations in
    services sector. The first is that the market itself dictates the need
    for emergence of this or that service and the second is that they
    and their advantages should be introduced to customers. In our case
    both factors are present. In principle, there are well known banking
    products, which are in great demand. Our bank has tried to fill in
    these niches, particularly, by offering such services as leasing,
    factoring which are offered by other banks as well. There are also
    services which we need to introduce to our clients, to propagate and
    show their advantages. In general, financial literacy of Armenian
    citizens and their willingness to use innovation technologies are not
    at high level. This is why the banks have to prepare their clients for
    new banking products. Innovations are necessary but their introduction
    is a complex task because you have to not only .develop a new product
    but also the market for it.