Ukraine more visited by tourists than Turkey
16.01.2010 15:52 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Ukrainian President is confident of sustainable
development of tourism in his country.
`23 million tourists visited Ukraine last years, while in Turkey the
figure reached 21 million,' Viktor Yushchenko said in an interview
with a local channel. `We cancelled visa regime and unlocked Ukraine
for the world. Tourists spent 4 times less money in Ukraine than in
Turkey,' he said, reported.
16.01.2010 15:52 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Ukrainian President is confident of sustainable
development of tourism in his country.
`23 million tourists visited Ukraine last years, while in Turkey the
figure reached 21 million,' Viktor Yushchenko said in an interview
with a local channel. `We cancelled visa regime and unlocked Ukraine
for the world. Tourists spent 4 times less money in Ukraine than in
Turkey,' he said, reported.