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NA Speaker: Armenia Cannot Replace Nagorno Karabakh

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  • NA Speaker: Armenia Cannot Replace Nagorno Karabakh


    July 14 2010

    Armenian National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan in his speech
    at the European Parliament (EP) spoke about two issues of pivotal
    significance for stability, long-term peace and cooperation in our
    region, specifically, Nagorno Karabakh settlement and Armenia-Turkey

    "The Nagorno Karabakh conflict peaceful settlement is of vital
    importance. The issue has a resolution, specifically, on the basis of
    principles of international law stipulated by OSCE Helsinki Final Act
    - territorial integrity, nations' self-determination, and non-use of
    force," Mr. Abrahamyan said adding: "Unfortunately, Azerbaijan staying
    loyal to its non-constructive policy continues the arms race at the
    expense of its oil superprofit in the region violating all norms
    established by the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE).

    Azerbaijan's leadership constantly makes bellicose statements by
    sowing hostility towards Armenians in its society."

    The NA Speaker reminded that even on the threshold of negotiations of
    regional cooperation Azerbaijan does not give up threats of undertaking
    operations, and the military doctrine adopted by Azerbaijan lately
    is another evidence of it.

    "However, Azerbaijan's policy posing danger for the whole region has
    not been assessed by respective international instances so far," Mr.
    Abrahamyan stressed.

    Mentioning that the Nagorno Karabakh problem "has many delicate sides"
    the NA Speaker stated that "the Armenian side expects mostly unbiased
    and balanced approaches" in the issue of adoption of public statements
    and documents expressing positions.

    "Therefore I have wrote to the President of the European Parliament in
    connection with the resolution "On Necessity to Work out Strategy by
    the European Union in the South Caucasus." The resolution includes
    non-correct formulations regarding Nagorno Karabakh since the
    resolution author not having information about problem nuances has
    never visited the region and never consulted with negotiation process
    mediators - OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs, specifically, representative
    of European Union member France. That is why key facts regarding the
    conflict settlement were disregarded:

    - Nagorno Karabakh people's right to self-determination cannot be
    opposed to the principle of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity
    since Nagorno Karabakh has never been part of either Azerbaijan
    proclaiming independence in 1918 or current Azerbaijan being the
    latter's successor.

    - Azerbaijan in response to the peaceful and legal process of exercise
    of Nagorno Karabakh people's right to self-determination used force and
    made a large-scale war against Nagorno Karabakh people in 1991-1994,
    and the situation in the conflict zone is the consequence of that war.

    - Armenia represents Nagorno Karabakh Republic and protects its
    interests since NKR is not recognized internationally yet, however,
    Armenia cannot replace Nagorno Karabakh. Armenia cannot assume
    commitments instead of Nagorno Karabakh on issues concerning NKR
    vital interests. Therefore, recognition of Nagorno Karabakh as a
    negotiating side by Azerbaijan will contribute to establishment of
    efficient and complete negotiations," NA Speaker said stressing that
    disregard of these facts can have a negative impact on the Nagorno
    Karabakh settlement process.

    The NA Speaker said that the recent Azerbaijani provocation, in
    which 5 Armenian and 1 Azerbaijani soldiers were killed, was not a
    mere accident.

    "I would like to mention that resolutions adopted by the European
    Parliament have interesting ideas on mechanisms of further deepening
    the relations between the South Caucasus and European Union," Hovik
    Abrahamyan concluded.

    From: A. Papazian