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Pentagon: Use of force or threat to use force is impermissible

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  • Pentagon: Use of force or threat to use force is impermissible

    Aysor, Armenia
    July 16 2010

    Pentagon: Use of force or threat to use force is impermissible

    President Serzh Sargsyan received US Deputy Assistant Secretary of
    Defense Celeste Wallander today, President's press office reported.

    The President stressed that Armenia is interested in expansion of
    cooperation with the U.S.. It is not only in our country's interests
    but also can have an important contribution to strengthening security
    and stability in the whole region.

    Speaking about Armenia's participation in peacekeeping operations
    performed by the international community the US Deputy Assistant
    Secretary of Defense expressed gratitude for Armenia's participation
    in the international peacekeeping mission. It was stressed that it is
    not only a great contribution to actions carried out by the
    international community but also contributes to rise of Armenian armed
    forces fighting efficiency.

    The interlocutors also discussed regional security issues, including
    current stage of the Nagorno Karabakh settlement negotiations. Mrs.
    Wallander stressed that the United States expresses its stance on
    impermissibility of use of force or threat of using force at all
    levels, and the United States is convinced that the Nagorno Karabakh
    peaceful settlement has no alternative.

    The sides attached importance to further strengthening of
    Armenian-American cooperation in defense and security sphere and U.S.
    assistance to modernization and reforming of Armenian armed forces.

    From: A. Papazian