July 19 2010
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan called a consultative meeting to
discuss RA draft law on refuse collection and sanitation.
Public-private sector collaboration toward the management of hard
waste materials in Yerevan city was discussed in particular.
The international experts in attendance offered their views and
recommendations concerning the organization of refuse collection and
sanitation activities in the capital city. They presented their vision
of Nubarashen refuse dump construction and commissioning practicalities
in line with the international standards.
From: A. Papazian
July 19 2010
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan called a consultative meeting to
discuss RA draft law on refuse collection and sanitation.
Public-private sector collaboration toward the management of hard
waste materials in Yerevan city was discussed in particular.
The international experts in attendance offered their views and
recommendations concerning the organization of refuse collection and
sanitation activities in the capital city. They presented their vision
of Nubarashen refuse dump construction and commissioning practicalities
in line with the international standards.
From: A. Papazian