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Senator Menendez Presses U.S. Ambassador-Designate To Turkey On Arme

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  • Senator Menendez Presses U.S. Ambassador-Designate To Turkey On Arme


    July 21, 2010 - 18:13 AMT 13:13 GMT

    U.S. policy on the Armenian Genocide, Cyprus, and the Ecumenical
    Patriarchate took center stage at the Senate Foreign Relations
    Committee hearing earlier today as Senator Robert Menendez pressed
    U.S. Ambassador-designate to Turkey, Francis Ricciardone, on a range
    of concerns dealing with America's increasingly strained ties with its
    NATO ally, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

    "I really think Turkey is an important ally but I also think that you
    can't have, as the Chairman has talked about, the Ecumenical Patriarch
    and the school at Halki and the persecution of religious freedom. You
    can't have this type of unique relationship that you want with the
    United States and vote against us on a critical question for the
    world like Iran. You can't, ultimately, continue the most incredible
    militarization when there is no threat to Turkey in the division
    of Cyprus," explained Sen. Menendez in his remarks during today's
    confirmation hearing. "I don't understand how the Turkish leadership
    doesn't understand that it is in its interest to move beyond that
    agenda or, for that fact, come to a historical recognition of what
    most of the world recognizes as it relates to the Armenian Genocide."

    In his prepared testimony presented to the panel, Ambassador-designate
    Ricciardone echoed the standard formulation that the Obama
    Administration has used to avoid honoring the President's campaign
    pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide while still striving to
    maintain a semblance of credibility on this human rights issue by
    referring to the candidate Obama's "personal" recognition of this
    crime: "Facilitating regional integration is a high priority for the
    United States. Rapprochement between Turkey and Armenia will foster
    increased stability and prosperity in the entire Caucasus region. As
    President Obama noted in his Armenian Remembrance Day statement
    of April 24th, 'Together, the Turkish and Armenian people will be
    stronger as they acknowledge their common history and recognize their
    common humanity.' We commended the governments of Turkey and Armenia on
    their signing of the historic protocols on normalization of relations
    on October 10, 2009 in Zurich. Both countries publicly reiterated
    their commitment to normalization this spring. The United States will
    continue to urge Turkey to ratify the protocols, and we will support
    programs that build understanding between Turks and Armenians."

    In response to a question from Senator Menendez about the issues he
    would be "advocating as our Ambassador as it relates to the question
    of the Armenian Genocide," Ricciardone recited the State Department's
    stock answer on the topic: "Clearly we don't have personal policies
    that you send us forward to push. We uphold the policies, the programs,
    the laws, the interests of the United States Government, as given
    to us by Congress and as determined by the Administration. On the
    question of the Congressional resolution, obviously we stand behind
    the statements of President Obama and Secretary Clinton.

    President Obama has spoken very forcefully about the events of 1915
    as one of the worst atrocities of the 20th Century. He cited the
    number of 1.5 million people massacred, he used the word massacred,
    and marching them to their deaths. He was very forthright about
    it. Our aim of course is to do all possible to get a normalization
    of Armenian-Turkish relations and a part of that clearly has to be a
    frank, full, and just acknowledgment of the history these two people,
    countries, share. And if confirmed, I will certainly be working for
    that to the best of my ability in every way possible."

    "President Obama - and Ambassador Ricciardone, if he is confirmed
    - cannot, with any credibility - call on Turkey to accept a full,
    frank, and just acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide while at the
    same time so publicly, recklessly, and irresponsibly dodging proper
    American recognition of this crime with word games and diplomatic half
    measures," said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA. "Our
    interests as a nation, our values as a country, and our standing in
    the world are best served, not when we cater to the undemocratic and
    anti-human rights sensitivities of countries like Turkey, but rather
    when we stand up for what we know is right, and true, and just."

    Menendez followed up by asking if Ambassador-designate Ricciardone
    had attended an Armenian Genocide commemoration during his past
    diplomatic service in Turkey. Riccardone explained that that there
    were none to attend, noting: "What I did do, as an individual officer,
    in my very first tour, is go to the ghost town of Harpoot." "I don't
    know if you've heard about it or know about it but it was one of the
    scenes of a vibrant Armenian community. I went there, deliberately,
    when I was Vice-Consul in Adana. When I was Charge [d'Affaires], I
    visited with the Armenian Patriarch. When I was Charge [d'Affaires],
    I also helped Armenian Americans in their visits there, helped them
    make contacts," he stated.

    From: A. Papazian