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Kosovo's Independence Is Legal, UN Court Rules

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  • Kosovo's Independence Is Legal, UN Court Rules

    Peter Beaumont
    Thursday 22 July 2010 15.39 BST

    Decision in favour of Kosovo's independence could have far-reaching
    implications for other separatist movements

    Albanians ride past a banner that reads "Free Kosovo" in Tirana.

    Photograph: Hektor Pustina/AP

    Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia in February
    2008 did not violate international law, the international court of
    justice (ICJ) said today in a groundbreaking ruling that could have
    far-reaching implications for separatist movements around the world,
    as well as for Belgrade's stalled EU membership talks.

    The long-awaited ruling - which the court took up after a complaint
    to the UN from Serbia - is now likely to lead to more countries
    recognising Kosovo's independence and move Pristina closer to entry
    into the UN. At present, Kosovo's statehood is backed by 69 countries
    but it requires more than 100 before it can join the UN.

    Announcing the decision, the court of justice president, Hisashi Owada,
    said international law contains no "prohibition on declarations of

    Although both Belgrade and Pristina had said they were confident of
    a ruling in their favour, speculation began to emerge a few hours
    before today's announcement in the Hague that the decision - which
    is not legally binding - had gone Kosovo's way.

    Prior to the judgment, the US vice-president, Joe Biden, had made
    it clear that the US would not contemplate a retreat from Kosovo's
    newly independent status.

    Key considerations that the UN's top court examined - arising out of
    dozens of submissions by UN member states as well as by Kosovo's own
    leadership - have focused on issues of sovereignty, the slim volume
    of precedent in international law, and how formerly large states such
    as the USSR broke up along administrative borders.

    Serbia has continued to demand Kosovo be returned, arguing it has been
    the cradle of their civilisation and national identity since 1389,
    when a Christian army led by Serbian prince Lazar lost an epic battle
    to invading Ottoman forces.

    The ruling is expected to have profound ramifications on the wider
    international stage, bolstering demands for recognition by territories
    as diverse as Northern Cyprus, Somaliland, Nagorno-Karabakh, South
    Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria.

    The ICJ's ruling is not, however, expected to have an immediate
    impact on the situation on the ground in Kosovo, where a small area
    with a Serb majority has itself split away around the north of the
    town of Mitrovica, which has about 100,000 residents. That deadlock
    has sometimes erupted into violence, despite intense international
    efforts, with Serbs and Kosovans running their own areas.

    Kosovo sparked sharp debate worldwide when it seceded from Serbia
    in 2008, following the bloody 1998-99 war and almost a decade
    of international administration. The 1998-99 war, triggered by a
    brutal crackdown by Serb forces against Kosovo's separatist ethnic
    Albanians, left about 10,000 ethnic Albanians dead before ending
    after a 78-day Nato bombing campaign. Hundreds of Serbs were also
    killed in retaliatory attacks.

    Today's ruling will reinforce Kosovo's resistance to any kind of
    renegotiation - particularly over the status of the Serb majority
    areas in the north.

    Kosovo's foreign minister, Skender Hyseni, said before the ruling
    that reopening negotiations was "inconceivable".

    Speaking yesterday, the Serbian foreign minister, Vuk Jeremic, had
    warned that even in the event of a ruling against it, Belgrade would
    not be ready to give up its claim on Kosovo.

    "Serbia will not change its position regarding Kosovo's unilateral
    declaration of independence and necessity of a compromise," he said.

    "Our fight for such a solution will probably be long and difficult,
    but we will not give up."

    Jeremic, who was in The Hague for the ruling, had said earlier that
    he expected the decision to vindicate Serbia, which would lead to
    new negotiations on both sides.

    A US state department legal adviser, Harold Koh, said: "Serbia seeks an
    opinion by this court that would turn back time ... [and] undermine
    the progress and stability that Kosovo's declaration has brought
    to the region."Leading the other side of the argument is Serbia's
    traditional ally Russia, which has fought against its own separatist
    movement in Chechnya. Moscow has demanded Kosovo's independence be
    annulled, and last year was joined in its opposition by Spain and
    China, each also facing major secessionist movements.

    From: A. Papazian