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Iran And Sanctions

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  • Iran And Sanctions

    Sevak Sarukhanyan

    On June 10 the UN Security Council passed a resolution 1929 on
    imposing new sanctions on Iran. 12 of 15 Security Council member
    countries voted for the resolution, Turkey and Brazil were against
    and Lebanon abstained. Despite the information background around the
    discussion of Iran's issue in the Security Council, the resolution
    passed cannot be called stern.

    Sanctions Resolution 1929 in its main parts:

    a) restricts the activity of a number of Iranian companies on the
    international market. Among those companies are the institutions
    connected with the Iranian nuclear programme and the Corpse of the
    Guardians of the Islamic Revolution,

    b) urges the banks registered on the territories of the UN member
    countries to restrict the activity of a number of the financial
    institutions and among them is the "First East Export Bank PLC"
    which is suspected of allotting several million US dollars to buy
    the components for the Iranian nuclear programme,

    c) the UN acquires a right to control the vessels of three Iranian
    shipping companies and to carry out inspection at any moment when there
    is a suspicion that they illegally transport armament or engineering
    of twofold purpose.

    In general the sanctions were imposed on 37 Iranian companies.

    Here it is worth mentioning that none of the companies or banks is a
    great actor in the Iranian economy. Their activity is mainly restricted
    to the maintenance of defence industry and nuclear programme. Thus,
    imposing sanctions on them may affect Iranian defence industry, but
    it cannot have serious aftermaths for the macro-economic and social
    situation in the country.

    At the same time, the sanctions which were imposed on the companies
    which perform specific functions do not affect the international
    dealings of Iran. Iran will preserve the whole amount of cooperation
    with other countries even under the sanctions which are called strict.

    The resolution does not affect the main source of the profits of Iran
    - the oil industry, either. Under such conditions one cannot say that
    the sanctions against Iran are serious, though the international and
    media communities tried to present them like that.

    Iran's response Taking into consideration the aforementioned, Iran's
    response to Resolution 1929 was rather tough in form and calm by its
    content. In half an hour after passing the resolution Iran's Minister
    of Foreign Affairs M. Mottaki stated that the resolution passed
    "is the defeat of the West and evidence of Iran's rightness". He
    also mentioned that "after passing a resolution Iran is not going
    to restrict any of its activities in nuclear energy sector; all the
    works will continue with new vigour and in a bigger way".

    A day later president of Iran expressed his attitude towards
    the sanctions almost in the same expressions. He only added
    that "some states, supporting this resolution, just showed their
    weakness". Most probably he meant Russia with which, however, Iran
    began to re-establish the damaged relations in the second half of
    June. On June 4 at the inauguration ceremony of mining plant in Bonab
    the president of Iran came out against the West saying it was only the
    West to blame in passing a resolution but while imposing the sanctions
    "they try to avoid their deadly end".

    As for the Iranian response, the information by the Chinese "Sinhua"
    information agency is remarkable, according to which the Central
    bank of Iran began selling ~@45 billion from its reserves and instead
    of that bought gold and dollars. This information might have stroke
    another blow to euro but for the response of Iran which stated that
    "the information is untrue at current moment".

    The formulation at "current moment" demonstrates that Tehran is
    ready to strike a serious blow to euro but it has not considered it
    finally yet. And the price for not considering it is, most probably,
    the refusal of the EU from the support of the American one-sided
    sanctions. Iran is not interested in the EU support of sanctions
    against Iran stated by the US president and approved by the Congress
    right after passing Resolution 1929. In his 10 page letter addressed
    to the Ministers of the Foreign Affairs of EU member countries the
    Foreign Minister of Iran M. Mottaki asks them and at the same time
    urges: "One should not make irrational decisions which deliver a deadly
    strike to the IRI-EU relations". Let us mention that in the first half
    of this year, mainly due to the eager activity in the European market,
    Iran's non-oil export grew on 30%. Iran will do everything to prevent
    the EU from imposing new sanctions.

    Breaking up of the common "Iranian policy" of the EU and US is of
    great importance for Iran today.

    On the other hand, the fact that the news about selling euro by Iran
    was spread by the biggest Chinese information agency give a cause to
    serious reflections and this, probably, may speak about the joint -
    Iranian-Chinese - character of that information action.

    Regional activation of Iran Though the nuclear programme was the
    most discussed subject in Iran over the recent period, for the last
    month it has seeded to the regional news and regional developments
    and the main of them has been devoted to Iraq and Afghanistan. The
    processes and developments in these two countries have turned into
    important domestic factors in Iran because almost every day political
    and spiritual figures in Iran make statements about the situation in
    Iraq and Afghanistan. This is rather remarkable phenomenon because
    the nuclear programme of Iran caused imposing of relatively serious
    sanctions on Tehran, the US and EU leaders almost every day make
    statements on Iranian issue, meanwhile the most actively discussed
    subjects in the Iranian political processes regard not to the nuclear
    programme but to Iran and Afghanistan.

    >>From the very first sight the analysis of the Iranian statements
    regarding the situation in those two countries shows that they are,
    most probably, a part of strategy directed to turning Iraq and
    Afghanistan into a "bigger headache" for the US and NATO. Iran
    initiated the destabilization of situation in Iraq and the
    manifestation of it is the ongoing parliamentary crisis in that
    country which is mainly the result of the activity of "pro-Iranian"
    Shiite groups directed against the creation of the "big coalition".

    Most probably, Tehran came to the conclusion that there is no "way
    back" in the nuclear programme, which would bring to the failure of
    the negotiations and new sanctions and maybe to the military strikes.

    In this context, Iran, destabilizing the situation in Iraq and
    Afghanistan not only consolidates its positions in the regional
    processes but also "ties" the hands of the US - its potential
    military rival.

    It is worth mentioning that Iran began working more actively in Central
    Asia and South Caucasus too. In the recent period Iranian party rather
    often turns to the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict and Kirghiz crisis,
    makes statements and shows that here Iran has its interests as well
    and it will pursue them by all means.

    From: A. Papazian