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US Senators Make Bryza Answer A Few Unpleasant Questions

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  • US Senators Make Bryza Answer A Few Unpleasant Questions


    US Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Robert
    Menendez (D-NJ) raised key policy issues during Senate Foreign
    Relations Committee's July 22 hearing of Ambassador-Designate Matthew
    Bryza reported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly).

    During the hearing, most if not all of the concerns raised in the
    Assembly's May 27th letter to Committee Members were raised. Presiding
    over the hearing, Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) began her round of
    questions by asking nominee Bryza to respond to her constituents'
    concerns, including accusations regarding his close ties to senior
    Azerbaijani officials. Bryza indicated that he maintains professional
    relationships with not only Azeri officials, but also with those in
    Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Bryza also assured the Committee that
    his wedding was not funded by outside sources. Senator Shaheen then
    raised concerns regarding freedom of the press in Azerbaijan and the
    case of the two jailed bloggers. Bryza indicated that if confirmed,
    civil liberties, especially media freedom, would be a top priority.

    Senator Boxer lead the charge on a series of key issues, which were
    included in the Assembly's Fact Sheet on Azerbaijan that was provided
    to Committee Members prior to the hearing, including: Azerbaijan's war
    rhetoric and military escalation; the June 18th Azeri attack resulting
    in the death of four Armenian soldiers; the importance of Section 907
    of the Freedom Support Act; and the destruction of a centuries-old
    Armenian cemetery in Julfa by Azerbaijani soldiers. Boxer pressed
    Bryza for answers and in several instances did not feel that Bryza
    answered her questions directly, including her questions regarding
    the need for Section 907. Senator Boxer also urged condemnation of
    Azerbaijan 's war mongering in the strongest of terms.

    Bryza stated that "there is no military solution" to the Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict and reaffirmed US policy in support of the three
    equal pillars of the Helsinki Final Act: non-use of force or the
    threat of force, the principle of territorial integrity, and equal
    rights and self determination of peoples.

    Senator Menendez asked nominee Bryza if he had played any role in
    the firing of former Ambassador to Armenia , John Evans, of which
    Bryza indicated that he played "absolutely no role." Menendez also
    raised concerns about Azerbaijan 's desecration of an ancient Armenian
    cemetery in Julfa. Bryza reiterated the points he made in response to
    Senator Boxer in that he immediately contacted the Foreign Minister
    of Azerbaijan and also publicly condemned the act. However, Menendez
    pressed Bryza on why it took three months to issue a statement,
    and asked Bryza to provide all public statements made for the record.

    Menendez also took on Azerbaijan 's continued threats of war and actual
    provocation in June and pointed out that this is contrary to seeking
    peace and reconciliation. In responding to Senator Menendez' questions
    in this regard, Bryza indicated that he "couldn't agree more."

    Senator Menendez also asked the nominee to clarify his comments with
    respect to the principles of self-determination and territorial
    integrity. Bryza again emphasized that all 3 principles of the
    Helsinki Final Act are given equal weight and that the US seeks to
    facilitate a mutually negotiated settlement among the parties to
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict based on these principles. Bryza also
    indicated, in response to Senator Menendez' questions, that any final
    solution must involve the people of Nagorno Karabakh. In fact, Bryza
    specifically stated that "it's impossible to reach a mutually agreed
    settlement that includes the views of the people who are the subject
    of the settlement, the residents of Nagorno Karabakh, if their views
    are not taken into account."

    "I also look forward, if confirmed, to helping advance a peaceful
    Nagorno Karabakh settlement. There can be no military solution to
    this long-standing conflict; rather, negotiation and dialogue hold
    the key to resolving this issue and bringing peace and stability to
    the Caucasus region. I am proud of the vibrant partnership my Russian
    and French counterparts and I developed as Co-Chairs of the OSCE's
    Minsk Group and the work we did together to try and bring Azerbaijan
    and Armenia closer to a negotiated solution based on the principles
    contained in the Helsinki Final Act, specifically those related to
    refraining from the threat or use of force, the territorial integrity
    of States, and the equal rights and self-determination of peoples,"
    said Bryza.

    From: A. Papazian