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ANKARA: Turkey To Freeze Bilateral Relations With Israel, Excludes P

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  • ANKARA: Turkey To Freeze Bilateral Relations With Israel, Excludes P


    Today's Zaman
    June 17 2010

    The Defense Industry Implementation Committee convened under the
    chairmanship of Prime Minister Erdogan to discuss the issue of military
    agreements and projects with Israel.

    Tension that broke out between Turkey and Israel when the latter
    killed eight Turkish citizens and a US citizen of Turkish origin in a
    raid on a Gaza-bound humanitarian aid flotilla has resulted in Turkey
    freezing bilateral relations with Israel -- but joint projects and
    contracts signed with Israeli companies will remain as they are.

    The Defense Industry Implementation Committee (SSİK) convened under
    the chairmanship of PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan to take up the issue of
    military agreements and projects with Israel. Turkey -- which recalled
    its ambassador to Tel Aviv and cancelled three military exercises in
    the aftermath of a bloody Israeli raid on the Mavi Marmara aid ship
    -- has shelved 16 bilateral agreements due to Israel's refusal to
    apologize for the killings or pay compensation.

    Thus, all Turkish-Israeli agreements at the state level have
    been cancelled. In a statement made during a trip to South Korea,
    President Abdullah Gul said Turkey had prepared a roadmap on the
    issue of sanctions against Israel but noted that this would be
    announced by the government. The first signs that such a plan was
    in the works appeared on Monday in a Cabinet decision. The roadmap
    details a process through which Turkey will completely cut its ties
    with Israel and comprises several stages.

    First, should Israel fail to send a member to a UN investigatory
    commission being formed to look into the deadly raid, Turkey will not
    send its ambassador back to Tel Aviv. Furthermore, Turkey will not in
    any way recognize the Israeli-led investigation into its own troops'
    attack on the Mavi Marmara.

    All bilateral projects in the field of military training and
    cooperation will be frozen; a $757 million plane and tank modernization
    project and a missile project worth over $1.5 billion have already
    been shelved. The majority of work on these projects was planned to
    be cooperative Turkish-Israeli efforts.

    The Land Forces Command had been planning to collaborate with Israel
    on a $5 billion tank project within the next 10 years. Israel wants to
    sell 1,000 Merkava Mark III combat tanks to Turkey, worth $5 billion,
    but this project has been shelved. In addition, Turkish military
    officers have abandoned a plan to modernize M-60 tanks in Kayseri
    with the Israelis for $50 million.

    Other abandoned projects would have modernized, through an
    Israeli-Singaporean consortium, 54 F-4 Phantom planes for $632.5
    million and 48 F-5 jets for $75 million.

    In addition to shelving 16 major agreements, Turkey has also decided
    not to cooperate on joint projects, particularly in the field of
    military training and cooperation. Turkish F-16 pilots will not be
    sent to Israel for training as planned, while joint military exercises
    with the Middle Eastern country will also not be held. No international
    military exercises will be held with Israeli participation and Turkish
    airspace will be closed to Israeli military aircraft.

    An agreement on cooperation in the field of fighting terrorism signed
    between Turkey and Israel -- which provided Turkey with valuable
    intelligence on Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
    (ASALA) terrorist organization camps in Lebanon in the 1980s --
    has also been frozen by the Turkish side.

    Before the raid on the Mavi Marmara, Turkey had held preliminary
    meetings with the Israelis over Arrow missile defense systems,
    conventional and plastic mine detectors and terrestrial radar systems
    to prevent infiltrations into Turkey from its borders with Syria and
    Iraq. Turkey has abandoned these plans as well as plans to purchase
    from Israel two patrol aircraft and Airborne Warning and Control System
    (AWACS) aircraft worth $800 million.

    A $500 million package for the joint production of Popeye I and Popeye
    II air-to-air missiles and another project to produce $150 million
    of long-range Delilah missiles has also been shelved.

    Corporate-level projects to continue Meanwhile, Turkish Foreign Trade
    Minister Zafer Caglayan warned against efforts in Israel to boycott
    Turkish goods, saying that Turkey would react harshly should such
    a thing occur. Reacting on Wednesday to reports yet to be confirmed
    with Israeli authorities that an Israeli court had, after the Mavi
    Marmara incident, ordered an injunction on the bank accounts and $10
    million in receivables of Turkish Yılmazlar Group construction firm
    in Israel, Caglayan emphasized that there should be a distinction
    made between political relations and commercial ties.

    While the SSİK meeting led by Erdogan decided to end all
    state-level relations with Israel, the committee left the issue of
    agreements between military industry firms to the discretion of those
    corporations. The committee said it would not be appropriate for it
    to decide upon the fate of agreements and joint projects operated by
    ASELSAN, HAVELSAN, ROKETSAN and the Turkish Mechanical and Chemical
    Industry Corporation (MKE). What the committee did decide is that
    should most of these agreements be cancelled, sanctions including
    compensation will be arranged -- but the initiative has been left to
    the firms themselves.

    At the same time, however, it is known that such firms, both in Israel
    and in Turkey, are government-supported.

    In a statement made after the six-hour SSİK meeting ended, Defense
    Minister Vecdi Gönul said that despite the fact that the decision on
    the shelving of military agreements had been left at the command of the
    Foreign Ministry, it would not be proper for the ruling administration
    to decide on the actions of military companies in both countries. The
    SSİK also decided the only path to a reversal of its decisions to
    freeze ties would be for Israel to apologize to Turkey and agree to
    an international investigation into the deadly Mavi Marmara raid.

    In accordance with a Cabinet decision, Turkey's roadmap from here on
    out will attempt to isolate Israel in the international arena.

    Following the condemnation of the Israeli military's actions by the
    United Nations, NATO, the Organization of the Islamic Conference
    (OIC), the Arab League and the Turkish-Arab Cooperation Forum, Turkey
    will attempt to isolate Israel in every arena, leaving the nation to
    stand alone. A new strategy will also be implemented in an attempt
    to sway the attitude of the European Union with regard to Israel.

    From: A. Papazian